Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems

Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:

Saturday, May 25, 2024

156 Memorial Day Remembrance Parade and Observance Ceremony 5-29-2023

May 30, 2023: Watch live coverage of the 156th Memorial Day Remembrance Parade and Observance Ceremony in Westminster, MD on Monday, May 29, 2023. Live coverage of the parade begins at 10:00 a.m. and will be followed by the memorial ceremony at 11:00 a.m. For over 80 years, The American Legion - Carroll Post 31 has remembered our fallen servicemen and women through the Memorial Day Remembrance Parade and Observance Ceremony in Westminster. For nearly three decades, the Community Media Center has worked in partnership with Carroll Post 31 to produce the annual program that features one of the longest-running Memorial Day Parades in the nation.
+++ Dayhoff Art +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Friday, May 24, 2024

May 31, 2021 154th Memorial Day Remembrance

May 31, 2021 154th Memorial Day Remembrance

The Community Media Center, (CMC) in partnership with The American Legion - Carroll Post 31 will present a special Memorial Day Remembrance Program starting at 10:00 AM on cable Channel HD 1086, and Channel 19.  CMC is proud to once again be an integral part of Carroll County’s Memorial Day Observance; helping to ensure that stories and sacrifice of our local service members are never forgotten.

Due to COVID-19, Westminster’s traditional Memorial Day Parade was cancelled. However, the Memorial Day Observance Ceremony was recorded virtually. The Memorial Day Observance is a time-honored tradition for Carroll Post #31 American Legion and the community to honor and remember those that have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

The Memorial Day Remembrance program features opening remarks by Adrian Gamboa, Commander of Carroll Post #31. The invocation, given by Richard Stem, Chaplin, Carroll Post #31, The keynote speech is presented by Kevin Dayhoff and the National Anthem is sung by Abby Otradove. The program also includes video tributes from Carroll County residents. taps and a closing prayer. 

Additional  Memorial Day Programming Includes:
The 2021 Hampstead American Legion Memorial Day Service. Hampstead American Legion Post #200 Memorial Day Services, including a message from Richard Weaver, Carroll County Commissioner - District 2 and Hampstead Mayor, Christopher Nevin.
"Letters to Home" this special rebroadcast features letters from soldiers lost during war to their families here in Carroll County.
Veteran Interviews from the Carroll County History Projects Oral History Collection, as a tribute to local veterans we have lost.
+++ Dayhoff Art +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Sylvia Plath said it in good sentences

Sylvia Plath — “God, let me think clearly and brightly; let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences …”

A compilation by Kevin Dayhoff February 7, 2024

Sylvia Plath tragically died by taking her own life at the age of 30, on February 11, 1963.

She is one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. Her best-known works include the poems “Daddy” and “Lady Lazarus,” in addition to a collection of poems, “The Colossus,” published in October 1960,  and the novel “The Bell Jar.” 

Plath was known to starkly express a sense of alienation and self-destruction that resonated with many. The Bell Jar, written under the pseudonym, Victoria Lucus, was not overwhelmingly well accepted when it was first released.

The Bell Jar was a manifestation of her mental crisis. The well-known “fig tree” quote illustrates the paralysis of indecision.

An except reads, “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. 

“One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet, and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. 

“I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet...”

However, Charlotte Ahlin calls to our attention in a piece she wrote on March 19, 2018, “This Quote From 'The Bell Jar' Is Always Used Out-Of-Context & It Changes The Whole Meaning.” 

“Nearly every young person can relate to the fig tree: that horrible, suffocating feeling of indecision, the sense that every choice you make for the future means giving up on ten other choices. The knowledge that you can only move forward, and that if you choose the wrong "fig," the right fig might fall and rot before you get to it.

“There's nothing necessarily wrong with plucking this quote out of The Bell Jar — in many ways, it captures the crux of Esther's depression in a single paragraph. She feels inadequate, paralyzed by indecision, and unsure of what she wants. She's starving to death and yet unable to reach out and pluck a fig, any fig, from her tree. She can see future happiness, but doesn't know how to grasp it. She's numb to her own life. There's a reason that this quote resonates with so many people.

“But people rarely seem to quote the page after the fig tree.

“Esther has this disturbing vision while out on a date with Constantin, who's giving her a tour of the U.N. Being surrounded by all these accomplished, multilingual young people prompts Esther to start mentally listing all the things she's terrible at. She berates herself on her own flaws (she can't cook, she doesn't know shorthand, she's a bad dancer) until she spirals into the fig tree metaphor, sure that she will never live up to her promise as a gifted, scholarship kid.

“Then, however, Constantin takes her to a restaurant, and Esther has to sit down and eat. Then, there's this: ‘I don't know what I ate, but I felt immensely better after the first mouthful. It occurred to me that my vision of the fig tree and all the fat figs that withered and fell to earth might well have arisen from the profound void of an empty stomach.’”

In college - in January 1955, Plath submitted her thesis “The Magic Mirror: A Study of the Double in Two of Dostoyevsky's Novels.”

In 1956, while on a Fulbright Fellowship at Cambridge University, she married the British poet Ted Hughes after a whirlwind courtship. They were both ambitious, and hoped to become the leading poets of their generation. For Plath, it was a marriage mired with misfortune that rivals that of a Greek tragedy on steroids.  

Interestingly enough, in the later years of her marriage, Hughes and Plath kept bees, the topic of many of her poems.  

I always found it fascinating that in 1958 she worked, for a brief time, as a receptionist in the psychiatric unit of Massachusetts General Hospital.

Her novel, The Bell Jar, was published in London in 1963 under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. Strongly autobiographical, the book describes the mental breakdown and eventual recovery of a young college girl and parallels Plath's own breakdown and hospitalization in 1953.

After her death, many of us can identify with Al Alvaraz, who later wrote, according to an article in The Guardian, “"I failed her ... I was thirty years old and stupid. What did I know about chronic clinical depression? She kind of needed someone to take care of her. And that was not something I could do…” At the time, Plath had been separated from Hughes for six months while he was having an affair with Assia Gutmann Wevill, who was pregnant with Hughes’ child at the time. In part, haunted by the death of Plath, Wevill took her own life on March 23, 1969. 

Plath’s tombstone reads: “Even amidst fierce flames / the Golden Lotus can be planted.” These lines are from Chinese literature, Wu Cheng'en's Monkey: Journey to the West – although other folks attribute it to the Hindu text from “Bhagavad Gita.”

All this - according to some old, disheveled notes and files recently found in the bottom of a box of discarded poems and short stories that were compiled and assembled from multiple undocumented sources over many-many years. Out of an abundance of caution - no claim to original authorship is either claimed or implied. As a young writer, I was always fascinated with the idea of having the opportunity to have interviewed Sylvia Plath. 

For additional context, read: “'I realised Sylvia knew about Assia's pregnancy - it might have offered a further explanation of her suicide' In a heart-breaking new twist in the story of the lives and deaths of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, Elizabeth Sigmund recalls a moment of terrible realization” from The Guardian, April 22, 1999. 

For a brief introduction to Sylvia Plath, be sure to watch a short “TED-ED” on YouTube,  “Why should you read Sylvia Plath? - Iseult Gillespie.” Find it here: 

Find an interview with Sylvia Plath from 1962, on YouTube here: And a great collection of pictures of Sylvia Plath Here: “Sylvia Plath reads November Graveyard:” (About the graveyard in Heptonstall. in which she was buried in 1963.) 

+++ Dayhoff Art +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Friday, January 26, 2024

Ambient Chillwave, Synthwave, Retrowave Music | VANGELIS Inspired Relaxing Music


If you like Ambient Chillwave, Synthwave, Retrowave Music, and love BLADE RUNNER, then this music may be something for you. It is inspired by the master of Ambient Synth music, Vangelis. This Vangelis Inspired Relaxing Music is a 1 hour long loop. (Channeling Joe Vigliotti)

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran (So Far Away) (Video)

“Is it true that 'I Ran,' by a 'Flock of Seagulls' is one of your favorite music choices?”… “I walked along the avenue. I never thought I'd meet a girl like you; Meet a girl like you. With auburn hair and tawny eyes; The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through; Hypnotize me through. And I ran, I ran so far away. I just ran, I ran all night and day. I couldn't get away… [From an interview transcript from 1982.]

Saturday, January 06, 2024

HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song | Official Trailer (2022)

HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song | Official Trailer (2022)

Directed by: Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine

Selections: Venice Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival, Tribeca Film Festival, and more

Featuring: Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley, John Cale, Brandi Carlile, Eric Church, Judy Collins, Bob Dylan, Glen Hansard, Sharon Robinson, Rufus Wainwright and many others

Synopsis: HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song is a definitive exploration of singer song writer Leonard Cohen as seen through the prism of his internationally renowned hymn, “Hallelujah.” 

This feature-length documentary weaves together three creative strands: The songwriter and his times; the song’s dramatic journey from record label reject to chart-topping hit; and moving testimonies from major recording artists for whom “Hallelujah” has become a personal touchstone. 

Approved for production by Leonard Cohen just before his 80th birthday in 2014, the film accesses a wealth of never-before-seen archival materials from the Cohen Trust including Cohen’s personal notebooks, journals and photographs, performance footage, and extremely rare audio recordings and interviews.

YouTube url address: 

HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen

HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen

Friday evening, January 5, 2024 Caroline and I had the opportunity to view the first film in FLICC’s January Documentary Series:– “HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen” at the Carroll Arts Center in Westminster at 91 West Main Street, Sponsored by: JeannieBird Baking Company.

HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song. According to a review on the Carroll Arts Council website, “is a definitive exploration of singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen as seen through the prism of his internationally renowned hymn, ‘Hallelujah.’

“This feature-length documentary weaves together three creative strands: The songwriter and his times; the song’s dramatic journey from record label reject to chart-topping hit; and moving testimonies from major recording artists for whom “Hallelujah” has become a personal touchstone.

Approved for production by Leonard Cohen just before his 80th birthday in 2014, the film accesses a wealth of never-before-seen archival materials from the Cohen Trust including Cohen’s personal notebooks, journals and photographs, performance footage, and extremely rare audio recordings and interviews. It was released in 2021; the screening time was: 1 h 58 m; It is rated PG-13.

Find the trailer for the movie here:

+++ Dayhoff Art +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Friday, January 05, 2024

Andain - Summer Calling

Andain - Summer Calling

Oh, when it hurts for me 
I never felt so empty 
Then the rain has its way 

Those summer mornings 
You kissed me out of my next dream 
Then, without warning 
It goes away 

And then it goes 
And then it goes 
And then it goes 

Searched to find you somewhere 
As winds began to sway 
Got in my car and just 

Those summer mornings 
I danced inside your warm embrace 
You hear me calling 
And now you're gone 

Mavie Marcos (Andain) - Artist Mix

Mavie Marcos (Andain) - Artist Mix 
0:00 - Andain - Turn Up The Sound (Xtigma Remix)
5:30 - Andain - Once You Told Me (Angelli & Nelson Remix)
11:00 - Andain - Much Too Much (Mike Shiver Remix)
17:10 - Andain - Promises (Myon & Shane's Summer of Love Remix)
21:33 - Andain - Beautiful Things (Daniel Skyver Remix)
27:46 - Andain - You Once Told Me (Walsh & McAuley Remix)
35:24 - Andain - What its Like (Sneijder Remix)
42:43 - Andain - Summer Calling (Airwave Remix)

Andain - Much Too Much [Zetandel Chill Remix] (Official Music Video)

Andain - Much Too Much [Zetandel Chill Remix] (Official Music Video)

Andain - Beautiful Things (Taken from Tiësto In Concert)

Andain - Beautiful Things (Taken from Tiësto In Concert)

One of the biggest trance classics taken from the Tiësto In Concert DVD, recorded May 10th 2003 in Gelredome, Arnhem.

Andain - Turn Up The Sound (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)

Black Hole 454-0
Andain - Turn Up The Sound - Jul 6, 2012
1. Original Version
2. Tristan Garner Remix
3. Gabriel & Dresden Remix
4. Stratus Remix
5. Zetandel Chillout Mix
6. Radio Edit
7. Gabriel & Dresden Radio Edit

Andain present an extensive remix package of their brand new single "Turn Up The Sound" on the Black Hole imprint.

Andain (Josh Gabriel and Mavie Marcos) have a history of divine electronica, spine-tingling lyrics and considerable patience. The band began in 2000 and after their first single "Summer Calling" and follow-up "Beautiful Things" (best known for the Gabriel & Dresden Remix, now a classic, sporting over 20 million views on Youtube) their name was launched into instant celebrity.

Andain just finished working on their brand new artist album and already released the successful single "Promises" which appeared on many compilations, and reached #13 in SiriusXM's BPM Top 51 of 2011. In support of the album, the single "Much Too Much" was released, accompanied by a beautiful video directed by Jamie Redford. The third single was handpicked by Andain and now "Turn Up The Sound" sees the light of day in a state of the art remix package.

The original version of "Turn Up The Sound" is a powerful production with a deeply emotive character and the perfect canvass for Mavie's soaring vocals. For this remix package, Andain approached such highly acclaimed producers like Tristan Garner and for the occasion Gabriel & Dresden reworked the original into a gem featuring their trademark sound. Not to mention of course that Josh Gabriel is both band member of both Andain and Gabriel & Dresden. Now "Turn Up The Sound"!

Supported by: Ferry Corsten, Armin van Buuren, Paul van Dyk, Judge Jules, Paul Oakenfold, Markus Schulz, Pete Tong, Matt Darey, Richard Durand, tyDi, Above & Beyond, Myon & Shane 54, Ruben de Ronde, Cosmic Gate, Solarstone, Gareth Emery, Bobina, Mike Shiver, Mark Sherry, Mark Ateson, Menno de Jong, Fabio Stein, Ben Gold and MANY more!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

TEARS IN RAIN | Why is it so special?

TEARS IN RAIN | Why is it so special? The final words of Roy Batty is arguably the best scene in Blade Runner. But what makes it so powerful? In order to fully understand what makes this speech so special is to try to understand Roy Batty.  As the movie ends, Roy sums up his entire journey with Tears In Rain.

Blade Runner, as briefly explained well by another writer, Canadalorian, “Harrison Ford stars in this fascinating, dark vision of the near future as a policeman who tracks engineered humans--a Blade Runner. In the year 2019, the police department forces Rick Deckard (Ford) out of retirement to hunt four genetically engineered humans who have come to earth. Designed to do difficult, hazardous work, the manufactured humans are stronger, faster and smarter than non-engineered humans. They feel no pain or remorse; they are almost indistinguishable from other humans ... and they are killing people. Now Deckard must stop them before they kill again.” Canadalorian

Tears in the Rain - Blade Runner (9/10) Movie CLIP (1982) HD

Tears in the Rain - Blade Runner (9/10) Movie CLIP (1982) HD 

“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.” Roy Batty in “Blade Runner,” Warner Bros., 1982

Ridley Scott on Blade Runner's Tears in Rain Monologue (2017) | Rotten T...

Rotten Tomatoes Senior Editor Grae Drake spoke to Ridley Scott, director of 'Alien: Covenant' about Rutger Hauer's famous "I've Seen Things" monologue from 'Blade Runner,' and how it came to be.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Intolerance (1916) Full HD Movie

D. W. Griffith’s classic “Intolerance,” was released on Sept. 5, 1916.

Compiled by Kevin Dayhoff September 12-15, 2023. 

I was originally researching the life and accomplishments of Bessie Love, an early silent film star who was born September 10, 1898. One of her early movies was “Intolerance:” released Sept. 5, 1916, "Intolerance is a 1916 epic silent film directed by D. W. Griffith and considered one of the great masterpieces of the Silent Era. It is perhaps one of the top ten movies ever made.

Bessie Love appeared in the movie along with the likes of Lilian Gish, Vera Lewis, Ralph Lewis, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Constance Talmadge, Josephine Crowell, Margery Wilson, Frank Bennett, Elmer Clifton, Miriam Cooper, and Alfred Paget.

The three-and-a-half hour epic intercuts four parallel storylines, each separated by several centuries: (1) a contemporary melodrama of crime and redemption, (2) a Judean story: Christ's mission and death, (3) a French story: the events surrounding the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of 1572, and (4) a Babylonian story: the fall of the Babylonian Empire to Persia in 539 BC. Each story had its own distinctive color tint in the original print. The scenes are linked by shots of a figure representing Eternal Motherhood, rocking a cradle."

Bessie Love played the role of ‘The Bride,’ in the ‘Wedding at Cana’ scene in Intolerance. It was a complex scene in which Christ attends the wedding at Cana with Howard Gaye as Christ, and with Bessie Love and George Walsh as the bride and groom. Bessie Love was born on September 10, 1898. She was discovered in 1915 when she began working in silent pictures directed by D.W. Griffith. Following her small role in ‘Intolerance’, Love gained her first prominent role in ‘The Flying Torpedo’ in 1916.

One media source explained, “In 1929, when sound made its way to films, Love was one of the few actors who found the transition from silent films to early talkies smooth. She won an Academy Award nomination for her stellar performance in ‘The Broadway Melody’. She moved to Britain in 1935 where she resumed her acting career…” Her acting career ended in 1983. 

An interesting sidenote is that she worked for the American red Cross during World War II in England.

According to a story in Los Angeles Times at the time of her death in London England on April 26, 1986 at the age of 88, “She was born Juanita Horton in Midland, Tex., the daughter of an itinerant bartender father who moved his family through Arizona, New Mexico and finally to Los Angeles, where his 16-year-old daughter talked her way onto the set of ‘Intolerance.’”

Throughout her career she Bessie Love made 141 films, including the Oscar-nominated Broadway Melody (1929), making appearances in The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961),  Isadora (1968), Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971), Ragtime (1981), Reds (1981) and The Hunger (1983). She wrote her autobiography, From Hollywood with Love, in 1977.

The Los Angeles Times reported, “She was cast in a series of parts she once described as “sunbonnet girl next door” in “Nina the Flower Girl,” “The Great Adventure,” “The Yankee Princess,” “Human Wreckage” and three dozen more before becoming a self-professed “sequined and spangled showgirl” in “The Broadway Melody.” That 1928 production was the first talking picture ventured by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The film, also believed the industry’s first sound musical, brought her an Academy Award nomination.”

This information has been compiled and assembled from multiple documented and undocumented sources over many years – all of which I have been very careful to cite and no claim to original authorship is either claimed or implied.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Morgan Wade - Psychopath (Official Audio)

#amwriting to Morgan Wade – According to ‘About the Artist’ retrieved August 24, 2023 on Spotify, “Most artists don't top Rolling Stone's Best Country Albums of the year list with their debut album. But most artists aren't Morgan Wade, who earned the top spot with her scathingly honest and raw 2021 LP Reckless. 

“While Reckless, and its Top 30 lead single "Wilder Days," busted down the doors and introduced Wade as a once-in-a- generation songwriter, she now readies her anticipated follow-up project, Psychopath, arriving Aug. 25. 

An astounding 13-track LP, Psychopath most excitingly finds Wade peeling back layers of her psyche like never before. Wade has been no stranger to the road throughout the first quarter of 2023 on her headlining NO SIGNS OF SLOWING DOWN TOUR, which sold out 35 shows for more than 40,000 tickets sold. 

A Virginia native, Wade has broken away from the pack to become one of country music's most compelling new voices. Possessed with a raw and unflinching voice anchored by a perfect tinge of twang; the rare ability to pen honest portraits of some of life's most precious and painful and unpredictable moments; and an onstage vulnerability that so seamlessly breaks down the wall between fan and artist, Wade has quickly made her mark on the country music scene- and the music world at large-with nominations for ACM New Female Artist of the Year, Americana Music Association Emerging Act of the Year, and CMT Breakthrough Female Video of the Year…

There is a good article on her in People magazine here: ‘Who Is Morgan Wade? All About the Country Musician - Here's everything to know about Morgan Wade, from her musical rise to her Grand Ole Opry debut, By Skyler Caruso  Updated on August 11, 2023,her%20emotions%20into%20a%20song. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Koan - Dream In Kaiser Gardens - Official

Marvin Gaye "What's Going On / What's Happening Brother"

Sunday, August 20, 2023: Marvin Gaye "What's Going On / What's Happening Brother" May 5, 2020: An excerpt from the recently released DVD of some of Marvin's greatest live performances on TV and film, "Real Thing: In Performance 1964-1981," This live performance comes from the long out-of-circulation 1973 film, "Save The Children" with James Jamerson on bass.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Los Amigos Mexican Restaurant, 205 Frederick Rd, Thurmont, MD


The restaurant is well lit and fun - nicely decorated and obviously well-maintained. The folks that work there obviously  like the restaurant. The staff was very welcoming and friendly. The food was great with great prices, and a large parking lot – right off Rte 15. We look forward to returning soon.

 Earlier Caroline had played in a Westminster Municipal Band concert in the Thurmont Memorial Park, just off 116 East Main Street, Thurmont, MD 21788, at the Thurmont Trolley Park. The band concert was great – and enjoyed by many folks from around town who came out on a beautiful Sunday evening to enjoy the music.

 We really liked the 1.3-acre park. It was well maintained and picturesque. It is obvious that Thurmont loves the park – and that folks enjoy it. The park comes complete with a bubbling stream that runs through the park – not far from a memorial pavilion that honors local folks who have served in the military and fought in a nation’s wars to maintain the freedoms and quality of life we enjoy. It was a great evening, and we look forward to returning to Thurmont.

 The Thurmont Trolley Park. We were intrigued about the Trolley Trail Park. According to the Thurmont website, “The Thurmont Trolley Trail is a .8 mile trail installed over the former trolley tracks that serviced Thurmont in the 1900’s.

 “The Town of Thurmont also acquired and displays one of the trolley cars that was once utilized in Thurmont’s history. The building that was once used to house all the electrical components that operated the trolley sits at the beginning of the trail on East Main Street. 

 “The Town of Thurmont and the Thurmont Lions Club has installed murals on the building depicting the history of Thurmont...

 “From 1908 to 1954, Thurmont was the "end of the line" for the trolley system that traveled from Frederick to Thurmont. During its hay day in the 1920's, the Hagerstown and Frederick Railway (H &F) carried 3.8 million people per year.

 “However, with great strides in the world of transportation, the demands for the trolley dwindled and the H&F made its final trip to Thurmont in 1954 and the tracks were removed. The existing trail begins at the historical trolley car and promotes a glimpse at Thurmont’s historical transportation services. Today, the trail is heavily used by residents and visitors for hiking, jogging, biking, and enjoying nature.”

 It was a great evening, and we look forward to returning to Thurmont.


Kevin Dayhoff and Caroline Babylon

+++ Dayhoff Art +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll: