Join me in wishing Admiral William Fallon well in his long overdue retirement
March 16th, 2008
Columnist Michael Barone has written an intelligent analysis about the “abrupt resignation of Adm. William Fallon as the head of Central Command…”
I for one, sure hope the doorknob does not hit him on the behind while he is on his way out…
Secretary of Defense Dr. Robert Gates announced his resignation last Tuesday, March 11, 2008 as the commander of Central Command.
No doubt his resignation was toasted by many in the military that evening.
Secretary Gates was, as usual, rather forthcoming as to the resignation stating Admiral Fallon’s reasons involved the controversies that have resulted from the recent, March 11, 2008, article in Esquire magazine: “The Man Between War and Peace,” by Thomas P.M. Barnett.
Gee – ya think?
Others in the military will quietly tell ya Admiral Fallon got confused and thought it was his job to set military and foreign policy instead of implementing it.
He did everything possible to undermine his bosses, Secretary of Defense Gates and President George W. Bush; and cut the knees out from under General David Petraeus. All the while, he overlooked several aspects of his job, such as was reported in the Washington Times - “Warriors welcome Fallon's resignation” by Sara Carter, March 13, 2008:
“Current and former military officials welcomed the resignation of Navy Adm. William J. Fallon, the top U.S. military commander in the Middle East, saying he failed to prevent foreign fighters and munitions from entering Iraq.”
To be certain, not to be overlooked is the fact that Admiral Fallon has led a storied career in the military and that we should all appreciate - and thank him for his service.
Nevertheless, we can wish him the best of luck in his retirement, which is, by many accounts, long overdue. Maybe now he can be a military analyst for Katie Couric or the New York Times – or Code Pink. He’ll fit in quite comfortably.
The Importance of Fallon's Fall by Michael Barone, Saturday, March 15, 2008
The abrupt resignation of Adm. William Fallon as the head of Central Command almost got lost amid the breaking news of Barack Obama's victory in the Mississippi primary and Eliot Spitzer's resignation as governor of New York. But it's a much more consequential development -- in the foreign and military policy of the Bush administration in its final year in office and in the relations between civilian commanders and military officers in the long run of American history.
Though everyone involved denies it, Fallon was kicked out for insubordination, or something very close to it. His conduct became impossible to overlook after the publication of a jauntily written article in Esquire by Thomas P.M. Barnett, author of "The Pentagon's New Map."
Barnett paints Fallon as a seasoned officer who coolly and wisely has been frustrating George W. Bush's desire to invade
Fallon also made it plain that he wants to withdraw troops from Iraq, as soon as possible -- even though Defense Secretary Robert Gates has approved Petraeus' request for a pause after currently scheduled troop withdrawals end in July.
Fallon is not the first subordinate to work openly to undercut the commander in chief…
Read his entire column here: The Importance of Fallon's Fall
20080315 Join me in wishing Admiral William Fallon well in his long overdue retirement