July 7, 2010 The Wisdom of “Silent Cal”
(1923 photo of "Silent Cal" Calvin Coolidge by John Garo)
The Fourth of July has come and gone. The fireworks exclaimed its last hurrah along with the Ooos and Ahhhs. The remains of the day include a few partially eaten hot dogs, a half-bag of potato chips, and the sticky, syrupy goo that we can call Maryland’s heat and humidity that clung to your skin and followed you home.
The flag that flew proudly on the rickety pole attached to the front of the house like a patriotic necktie has been retired for the day.
For those who enjoy historical trivia, there may have been a mention that two of the framers of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, and his colleague in history, John Adams, both died on July 4, 1826, exactly 50 years after the signing the famous document we celebrate every year.
In my household, there are two celebrations that take place every 4th of July. There is a celebration of the excitement that we live in, what remains a somewhat, a free country. We have a moment of reflection for those who have gone before us so that we may continue to fight for our freedoms and, of course, a celebration of “Silent Cal Day.”
Now I can only be sure that you share my excitement at this point in time, and you feel a profound increase in your dopamine levels. Please understand that this is a normal reaction known as the “Coolidge Effect.”
However, before you feel a subsequent effect on your limbic system, get a grip on yourself and read on about this great man.Here: http://www.thetentacle.com/ShowArticle.cfm?mydocid=3849
Labels: Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, Dayhoff writing essays presidents, Pres 1923 1929 Coolidge Calvin
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