Barack Obama for change
Because that is all you will have left when he’s done.
Because that is all you will have left when he’s done.
June 24, 2008 - - The base idea for this image was passed on to me in an email from “CJ.”
I guess it resonated with me as the presumptive Democrat nominee for president’s conversation so far about economics and taxation is a major concern for me as I ponder the merits of his candidacy of the Oval Office.
At my advanced age I can easily recognize political silliness when I see it and I refuse to be distracted.
Barack Obama appears to be an honorable man who wants to be president and I admire him for his accomplishments.
My heart and prayers go out to him and his family when I hear or read the vicious personal attacks over drivel that ultimately I really don’t give a rat’s backside over. It’s all so boring and an unnecessary distraction of high chair food fight proportions.
I don’t really care what Rev. Wright has said or when he said it. I don’t care about what Senator Obama’s wife said or when she said it.
I’m not fooled by the recent marketing makeover with his appearance on People magazine or Mrs. Obama’s chattiness on “The View.” I have no interest in voting “for the friendly guy next door” to be president.
I care about issues such as who is going to protect us from foreign aggressors. I care about national defense.
I care about the economy. I care about the class warfare being promoted, disguised as taxation policy.
I care about the deleterious affects of our nation’s lack of a coherent energy independence policy.
I care about who has the experience necessary to be president.
I care about who is going to appoint the next several Supreme Court justices.
If I were to have a choice between “a third term for the Bush Administration” or “Jimmy Carter’s second”; I’ll take “Bush’s third term” in a nanosecond.
Although I realize that Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain is certainly no George W. Bush and I have not, as yet mistaken Senator Obama for President Jimmy Carter…
Anyway - I played with the base idea for the image; re-arranged it and added to it and voila.
Please cut and paste this image and distribute it widely…
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