I did this piece in September 1994. The more things change the more they stay the same. At some point, the entire manner in which local government in Maryland is funded needs to be changed so that all our tax revenue does not get lost in a black hole in Annapolis and gets re-directed to the government that is closest to the citizens.
Vivian Laxton, Carroll County government public information administrator: The Board of County Commissioners will be holding a news conference at 5 p.m. today in the Public Hearing Room (003) of the County Office Building to discuss Carroll County’s budget. The County Office Building is located at 225 North Center Street in Westminster. Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Dog park not in CarrollCounty budget – but ya don’t mess around with Jim
May 7th, 2008
As if developing the Carroll County Budget is not difficult enough this year, here comes a debate and discussion about a “dog park” that is not even in the budget.
I have often wondered why newspapers print letters to the editor that state things that are not true by most accepted standards…In this case, the item was brought to the commissioners’ attention and they voted it down…
As far as the commentary as to what a paper reports upon and what it does not – that has been an item of discussion since the beginning of newspapers and that debate will continue for eons into the future.
Although I can certainly understand the writer’s frustration, writing so caustically about the paper’s sense of prioritization may very well not be a well-considered strategy.
I suggest that the writer pull out an old copy of the Jim Croce classic, “You Don't Mess Around with Jim” the next time he considers hitting the “send” button.
“You don't tug on Superman's cape/You don't spit into the wind/You don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger/And you don't mess around with Jim”
On April 28 the Times printed a letter to the editor containing inaccurate information regarding county funding for a dog park in our budget process.
The writer was under the mistaken impression that such an appropriation was supported by the Board of Commissioners. This is actually the direct opposite from the truth.
This was a proposal requested by our Parks and Recreation Department, but not recommended by the Budget Department in the recommended budget. Such items receive a direct appeal to the board from the department head and an up or down vote by the commissioners.
In this case when the Parks and Recreation head made his appeal I told him that I could not support such an appropriation under any circumstances and that I was not persuadable on this point.
On April 16 when the board deliberated and voted on various budget requests all three of us voted not to fund the dog park. There were a number of significant proposals from me that occurred at that meeting. As of the writing of this letter the Times has not reported on the content of this meeting.
For example the Times did not report on my suggestion that we offer tax relief during the meeting. It did not report my request to delete a future position from the CountyAttorney's office and cease having a designated liaison to the General Assembly from the CountyAttorney's office. And the Times hasn't reported that I suggested defunding the position of Planning and Development Policy Coordinator.
I don't blame the letter writer for not knowing the facts on the dog park being voted down. He's obviously using the Times as his primary news source.
Michael D. Zimmer Eldersburg The writer is a member of the CarrollCounty Board of Commissioners.