Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems
Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:
Sunday, October 01, 2006
20061001 Election Websites
October 1, 2006
Beard - Dennis Beard, candidate for Carroll County Commissioner
Brinkley Re-Elect David Brinkley, Dist.4 Frederick and Carroll Cos. Sen. David Brinkley
Cardin - Ben Cardin, candidate for US Senate from Maryland
Carroll County Board of Elections
Carroll County Republican Candidates And Contact Information
Carroll County Times 2006 Election Website
Craig - David Craig for Harford Co. Executive
Gouge - Re-Elect Carroll Co. Commissioner Julia Walsh Gouge
Haines - Re-Elect Dist.5 Carroll and Balto. Cos. Sen. Larry Haines
Hogan, Patrick N, (R) Re-elect for Frederick Co. Dist 3A
Kittleman - Elect Dist.9 Howard and Carroll Cos. Sen. Allan Kittleman
League of Women Voters in Carroll County MD
Minnich - Re-Elect Carroll Co. Commissioner Dean Minnich
O'Malley for Maryland Governor election web site
Shewell - Elect Dist.5A Carroll Co. Del. Tanya Shewell
Steele - Elect Michael Steele for Maryland U.S.Senate web site
Stocksdale - Re-elect Dist.5A Carroll Co. Del. Nancy Stocksdale
Vote on Nov. 7, 2006. If you want an absentee ballot, click here
Webb, James - Democratic Candidate for US Senator from Virginia
Zimmer - Mike Zimmer, candidate for Carroll County Commissioner
Saturday, September 09, 2006
20060908 Negative ads and fliers plague Carroll County primary election
September 8th, 2006
In the last week a number of negative ads have appeared in the Westminster Eagle and the Carroll Standard newspapers. Additionally negative fliers have appeared in mailboxes.
Both the Carroll County Times and the Westminster Eagle and Eldersburg Eagle have written about this.
In a statement released late Friday evening, September 8th, 2006, by current incumbent Carroll County Commissioner Dean Minnick, he stated:
“On Monday morning, I will formally ask Carroll County State's Attorney Jerry Barnes to pursue all means of investigating the possibility of criminal action behind the recent spate of malicious campaign literature published in one weekly newspaper and mailed to thousands of county voters in their homes.
I believe that we have more than violations of election laws at issue, and I will request an investigation into the possibility of conspiracy and racketeering. The misrepresentation of facts that have been disseminated go beyond differences of opinion or mere ideology. They are the calculated attempt to destroy reputations and derail the electoral processes by which people choose their leadership. It cannot go unchallenged.” Dean Minnich Vice President, Carroll County Commissioners.
In a telephone interview with commissioner candidate Doug Howard this Friday afternoon; he said what lots of Carroll County Republicans are saying; “These are not the values of our party.”
A statement which was repeated in a piece of campaign literature advanced to KDDC by Mr. Howard. His campaign literature, slated to be released September 11th, 2006, also said; “Throughout this campaign we have presented our ideas without attacking other candidates or existing commissioners. I do not subscribe to or support the methods of personal attack or mudslinging that we have seen. Such negative campaigns undermine the serious business of choosing our elected officials.”
In a Justin Palk article in the Carroll County Times on Friday, September 8th, 2006:
Although Shewell and Stocksdale said they had not seen the ads or not reviewed them in detail, respectively, both distanced themselves from negative advertising generally.
"I've tried to stay on the high road," Shewell said. "Certainly a lot of the nastiness makes it a disincentive for the good people to run."
Stocksdale echoed those sentiments.
"I do not do negative campaigning," she said. "I don't think people appreciate negative campaigning."
You can read the rest of the article here.
Meanwhile - - I’d like to call upon all credible candidates for elected office in next Tuesday’s primary to condemn the negative campaigning. Please send KDDC your statements at and I will be more than happy to post them on KDDC.
In the last issue of the Westminster Eagle and the Eldersburg Eagle, both Editor Jim Joyner and I wrote columns addressing this last minute dynamic in what many recall as one of the most unpleasant election years in 16 years.
The title of my column is: “Just so no to reality TV in Carroll County election campaigns.”
The title of Mr. Joyner’s column is: “Final daze Voters should be aware of wild political finish.”
I also have a Tentacle column addressing this issue of negative campaigning. “Why go negative?”
The Eldersburg and Westminster Eagle sent out the following e-mail alert calling attention to an article Editor Jim Joyner has placed on the web sites of the two county publications.
“County refutes ads mailers attacking commissioners”
You have been sent this e-mail alert from The Eldersburg and Westminster Eagle. These stories and other updates are posted on The Eldersburg Eagle Web site, and The Westminster Eagle Web site,
“County refutes ads, mailers attacking commissioners”
09/08/06 By Jim Joyner
Carroll County officials this week refuted several claims made in political ads this past week by a group called the Carroll County Republican Club, saying the bulk of the organization's accusations are false or misleading.
The group has distributed mailers, placed paid advertising in county newspapers - including The Eagle - and is reportedly also operating an automated messaging campaign, phoning homes in the county.
The bulk of the campaign is aimed at unseating the incumbent Board of County Commissioners, and suggests that voters opt for challengers.
Various aspects of the ad campaign claim that the current commissioners - Republicans Julia Gouge, Dean Minnich and Perry Jones - have spent money on extravagant travel, allowed multiple housing units with single building permits, have declined to spend money to build schools; and are proposing legislation that would allow the county to impose a personal property tax.
County officials say all those allegations - and others - are false.
Read the rest of the article here or here.
Meanwhile, Justin Palk, writing for the Carroll County Times has written two articles thus far.
On Thursday, September 07, 2006, Mr. Palk wrote a piece entitled: “State probing election adverts.”
Maryland's State Board of Elections is reviewing negative campaign ads from what appears to be a new Republican club in Carroll County for compliance with state law.
An organization calling itself the Carroll County Republican Club, which has sent out mailings to county residents, among other advertising, is not registered with the state as a political action committee, said Jared DeMarinis, director of the State Board of Elections' candidacy and campaign finance division.
DeMarinis said he could not comment further on the matter because the board is reviewing it.
In general, organizations that raise or spend money for a specific candidate in an election do have to register with the state, he said.
You can read the rest of this article here.
And then on September 8th, 2006, Mr. Palk wrote: “Candidates deny contact with group.”
Some of the Republican candidates being supported in ads being investigated by the State Board of Elections said they have had no contact with the group responsible for the advertisements.
Dave Greenwalt and Michael Zimmer, both candidates for Carroll County commissioner, and incumbent Dels. Tanya Shewell and Nancy Stocksdale, both seeking to retain their seats in District 5A, said they have no connection with and have no information about the group, which identifies itself as the Carroll County Republican Club.
You can read the rest of the article here.
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at:
Westminster Eagle Opinion and
Winchester Report
Thursday, August 17, 2006
20060816 Vota for Mona
“Vota for Mona”
© Kevin Dayhoff
August 16th, 2006
This is the season for signs.
Recently your intrepid blogger found this group of signs at
Mystery surrounds just what Ms. Mona Lisa is running for.
In a related matter, we asked
Asked if he knew just what office Ms. Lisa was running for, Mr. Ruchlewicz responded, “Don’t know. Don’t really care as long as the mysterious sign brings money into
Jeff Glass, Westminster’s assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, utilities maintenance and the soundtrack division of old silent movies said, “It’s like a Norman Rockwell moment.
Asked how long the sign for Ms. Lisa has been at the intersection, “Don’t know. Been kinda busy recently,” remarked the assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, fleet management, kite flying, road sign, grass clippings removal, utilities maintenance and the soundtrack division of old silent movies.
Marianne Sheehan, the administrative assistant for the assistant director for parks, buildings, streets, water, wastewater, kitchen sinks, development review, planning, fly swatters, public works, fleet management, kite flying, road sign, grass clippings removal, utilities maintenance, letters and art, heavy metal music and the soundtrack division of old silent movies, remarked that the sign “looked good in that location and that it went well with the overall ambiance of downtown Westminster.”
Wayne Reifsnider, the assistant superintendent for streets, buildings, and parks said, “Well, ya know… Well, it’s a free country and people have a right to put up signs on private property, ya know. But I don’t know, ya know. Then on the other hand, well, ya know, it’s a neat sign and I just do my job. Mind my own business, ya know. Well, I best be moving along. See ya.”
More on this developing story as it unravels.
Kevin Dayhoff writes from
Thursday, June 22, 2006
20060621 KDDC Future issues and future elected officials in Carroll County
What are the candidates for elected office proposing for the future of
June 21, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff
Considering that this is an election year, it looks like a portion of my social schedule will be attending political fundraisers.
I’m looking forward to attending as many political fundraisers as my pocketbook and time will allow. Besides it is well known that I like to eat.
For the most part you meet interesting folks who care about our community. I prefer to attend fundraisers as opposed to simply donating money to a particular candidate. Perhaps it is the frugal
At a fundraiser I get to spend some time with exceptional community leaders who have decided to stick their necks out and give back to the community and ultimately, whether I support or not support the particular views of any specific candidate I applaud all candidates who leave the comfortable cocoon of their day-to-day lives and strive to contribute and make a difference.
Perhaps I am the eternal optimist, but I happen to think that there is no better place to live than
The political season is young and we have time between now and the primary on September 12, 2006, however, many Carroll Countians are clamoring to hear discussions about plans and ideas about our future.
A word to the candidates, you lose me when you go negative. I don’t really care what went wrong last year or several years ago. I care about what are you going to do to continue to maintain our great
I have no interest in personalities, although electing accessible, knowledgeable and friendly folks to be community leaders, who concentrate on the issues is always a plus.
So what are the issues? Okay, I’ll bite – here goes… Not in any particular order. And not necessarily as a function of what I agree with or disagree with for our future. Just to get the conversation started.
What will you do to bring Wi-Fi internet service to
What will you do to bring about cable competition, so that we may have a choice?
What will you do to facilitate all folks from every corner in
What is your position on the municipal incorporation of Finksburg and Eldersburg? The best government is that government that is closest to the people we serve and many feel it would be better if folks from the Finksburg and Eldersburg area made many of their own decisions.
What are your proposals about the ensuring future supplies of water and wastewater treatment facilities in the county?
What is the future of solid waste management? What are your thoughts about waste-to-energy and generating electricity with our trash as opposed to hauling it out of the county and dumping it into a landfill?
What is the future of taxation in
What are your proposals for attracting economic development and jobs to
What are your thoughts about expanding the opportunities provided by the
What are your proposals for future recreation opportunities for Carroll Countians?
Most everyone agrees in the importance of agricultural land preservation but what are your proposals to sustain the viability and future success of agriculture?
What is the future of public safety? What are your proposals to ensure adequate fire, emergency medical and police protection?
What will you do to develop workforce – affordable housing?
What your thoughts on ensuring an appropriate social welfare safety net for our neighbors who hit a bump in the road on the highway of life? What will you do to prevent and treat drug and alcohol abuse?
Talk with us about the future of schools and education? What will you do ensure adequate classrooms and continue the high quality of our schools? Tell us your plans for
What is the best future government of our county? Code Home Rule? Five commissioners? Charter government? The same form of government we currently have?
What will you do to facilitate appropriate, inclusive, civil and productive dialogue about our future?
What are your thoughts? I am considering making the subject of the issues that need to be discussed in the upcoming election season to be the topic of an upcoming Westminster Eagle column and I will appreciate your feedback so that the column may be as comprehensive as possible.
One last word on fundraisers: Alright, two words: Ice Cream.
Oh, and a word to candidates, I’ll be more than happy to post your response to this blogpost on E-mail me your thoughts and visions for
Thanks a bunch.
Kevin Dayhoff writes from
E-mail him at:
20060621 Future issues and future elected officials in Carroll County
What are the candidates for elected office proposing for the future of
June 21, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff
Considering that this is an election year, it looks like a portion of my social schedule will be attending political fundraisers.
I’m looking forward to attending as many political fundraisers as my pocketbook and time will allow. Besides it is well known that I like to eat.
For the most part you meet interesting folks who care about our community. I prefer to attend fundraisers as opposed to simply donating money to a particular candidate. Perhaps it is the frugal
At a fundraiser I get to spend some time with exceptional community leaders who have decided to stick their necks out and give back to the community and ultimately, whether I support or not support the particular views of any specific candidate I applaud all candidates who leave the comfortable cocoon of their day-to-day lives and strive to contribute and make a difference.
Perhaps I am the eternal optimist, but I happen to think that there is no better place to live than
The political season is young and we have time between now and the primary on September 12, 2006, however, many Carroll Countians are clamoring to hear discussions about plans and ideas about our future.
A word to the candidates, you lose me when you go negative. I don’t really care what went wrong last year or several years ago. I care about what are you going to do to continue to maintain our great
I have no interest in personalities, although electing accessible, knowledgeable and friendly folks to be community leaders, who concentrate on the issues is always a plus.
So what are the issues? Okay, I’ll bite – here goes… Not in any particular order. And not necessarily as a function of what I agree with or disagree with for our future. Just to get the conversation started.
What will you do to bring Wi-Fi internet service to
What will you do to bring about cable competition, so that we may have a choice?
What will you do to facilitate all folks from every corner in
What is your position on the municipal incorporation of Finksburg and Eldersburg? The best government is that government that is closest to the people we serve and many feel it would be better if folks from the Finksburg and Eldersburg area made many of their own decisions.
What are your proposals about the ensuring future supplies of water and wastewater treatment facilities in the county?
What is the future of solid waste management? What are your thoughts about waste-to-energy and generating electricity with our trash as opposed to hauling it out of the county and dumping it into a landfill?
What is the future of taxation in
What are your proposals for attracting economic development and jobs to
What are your thoughts about expanding the opportunities provided by the
What are your proposals for future recreation opportunities for Carroll Countians?
Most everyone agrees in the importance of agricultural land preservation but what are your proposals to sustain the viability and future success of agriculture?
What is the future of public safety? What are your proposals to ensure adequate fire, emergency medical and police protection?
What will you do to develop workforce – affordable housing?
What your thoughts on ensuring an appropriate social welfare safety net for our neighbors who hit a bump in the road on the highway of life? What will you do to prevent and treat drug and alcohol abuse?
Talk with us about the future of schools and education? What will you do ensure adequate classrooms and continue the high quality of our schools? Tell us your plans for
What is the best future government of our county? Code Home Rule? Five commissioners? Charter government? The same form of government we currently have?
What will you do to facilitate appropriate, inclusive, civil and productive dialogue about our future?
What are your thoughts? I am considering making the subject of the issues that need to be discussed in the upcoming election season to be the topic of an upcoming Westminster Eagle column and I will appreciate your feedback so that the column may be as comprehensive as possible.
One last word on fundraisers: Alright, two words: Ice Cream.
Oh, and a word to candidates, I’ll be more than happy to post your response to this blogpost on E-mail me your thoughts and visions for
Thanks a bunch.
Kevin Dayhoff writes from
E-mail him at: