“A New Hospital for Carroll County”
August 31, 2005 by Kevin Dayhoff (656 words)
I recently came across an old “Program of Dedication” for “Carroll County General Hospital”. It is dated “Two o’clock in the afternoon, Sunday, August 27th, 1961.”
We all take for granted our local hospital, but I remember a time when we didn’t have a local hospital.
The idea for a local hospital in Carroll was first discussed after the First World War. It was not until the 1950s, that the idea of raising money to build Carroll County General Hospital became a reality.
I asked Mr. and Mrs. Babylon about what they remember about the community coming together to build the hospital. Mrs. Babylon gave me an old file from the 1950s marked “Hospital.”
There were a number of wonderful “finds” in the file. One “find” was a very neat, carefully typed multi-page information packet entitled, “An Invitation To David Babylon To Help Provide The Hospital We All Need” from “Scott S. Bair Campaign Committee… Headquarters… 6 E. Main St… Phone # Tilden 8-8521.” It appears that it was individually typed. I wonder how many of these were produced? It must have been quite an effort. Unfortunately, the document is undated.
In this column, I’ll share with you some of excerpts from this campaign package. It gives us great insights of Carroll in the 1950s. Eight pages outline: “Everyone in Carroll County knows that we need a hospital of our own! Three things point out the need day after day! * our ever growing population ** our distance from other hospitals *** our ever increasing use of hospitals…It is inconceivable that a county of our size and progressiveness should continue any longer without a hospital of our own!”
“We need the hospital because of population growth. Our present population is close to the fifty thousand mark! Conservative estimates predict that… by 1970 it will be at least 62,000. According to United States Public Health Department standards a population of 50,000 needs 225 hospital beds. WE HAVE NONE!”
Our current population is 160,000.
“We need a hospital in Carroll County because all others are so far away. In emergencies or in maternities minutes can be important. Here is how far we have to go over heavily traveled highways…Gettysburg Hospital 25 miles Frederick 30 miles Hanover 20 miles Baltimore 32 miles. THEY ARE ALL TOO FAR AWAY IN ANY EMERGENCY!”
I was born in Frederick Memorial Hospital in 1953. Many of my friends were not born in a hospital or were born in Gettysburg, Hanover or Baltimore.
“We need a hospital because… In Carroll County in a single year physicians admitted [to other hospitals] the following types of patients. Maternity 1122 Surgery 2115 Medical 615 Extra-ordinary 231 Total 4083 …”
“To meet this urgent need and after careful study a fifty-bed general hospital is proposed as the first step…twenty-five beds for surgery. Twenty-five beds for maternity and medical cases. An emergency service department. Operating, Delivery, X-Ray…
“What will this cost? The first step – the fifty bed unit can be built for approximately one million dollars. It can be built for this relatively modest amount because: the site has been provided by the county without cost to the hospital…”
“Where will the money come from? From the county Tobacco tax funds and accumulated gifts $300,000. From the Federal Government Hill-Burton Hospital Construction Funds 350,000. From you and the other people of Carroll County 300,000. The campaign for 300,000 is now under way.”
Clip this column for reference because in the future I’ll gather some of the current statistics of the Carroll Hospital Center (as Carroll County General Hospital is now known) for some compare and contrast. I’ll share with you more of the great “finds” from this file and I’ll provide you with more pre-1961 history of Carroll’s forty years of work to build a hospital. In addition, as many folks have reminded me, I still owe you a column on the fascinating life of Dr. Theodore E. Woodward.
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT carr DOT org