Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems
Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Facebook is now offering journalists the same tools as celebrities – or maybe not.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
I’m not a liar but Facebook sure is. | fielekefrontporch
March 17, 2015
I have some confessions about pictures I pulled from my Facebook feed…" ...
'via Blog this'
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Facebook rethinks the fate of your posts after you die | PCWorld
By Zach Miners @zachminers Feb 21, 2014
What will happen to your Facebook account when you die? Facebook has been giving it some thought, and it’s come up with what it hopes is a better way to deal with a sensitive issue.
Thursday, February 06, 2014
Facebook marks 10th birthday with personalized 'Look Back' videos
By Salvador Rodriguez February 4, 2014, 1:24 p.m.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Recent work on Investigative Voice by Kevin Dayhoff
The wheelchair has been located. After I complete my current assignment, I'll do an update..

Kevin Earl Dayhoff

Kevin Earl Dayhoff

Kevin Earl Dayhoff

Kevin Earl Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:
Monday, October 12, 2009
Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff
October 7, 2009
Always Remembered, Never Forgotten
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Sunday, friends and family from all over the country gathered at the New Windsor fire company social hall to pay their last respects to Guy Babylon, Elton John’s keyboardist for 21 years. Guy Babylon, 52, died at his Los Angles home on September 2.
September 30, 2009
Revealing Ike
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Of all the presidents of the United States, the one which Frederick and Carroll Counties may have literally the closest connection is President Dwight David Eisenhower, known affectionaly as “Ike.”
September 23, 2009
Big Media Missing the Point
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Everyone who bickers about the size of the crowd in Washington on September 12, or what network covered it and what media did not cover it, or whether the protest was the work of conservatives or un-American racists is sorely missing the significance of the entire event.
September 16, 2009
Enough Already…
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the last week, we have witnessed a full-court press by President Barack Obama, in his efforts to push forward broad sweeping health care reform. He’s everywhere. He’s everywhere…
September 9, 2009
Two Plus Two Equals Five
Kevin E. Dayhoff
By now we have all had an opportunity to either read or watch President Barack Obama’s national address to our schoolchildren that aired yesterday at high noon.
September 2, 2009
The Perils of Facebook
Kevin E. Dayhoff
For better or worse, new social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter are here to stay – that is, until something new comes along – like, tomorrow.
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Friday, September 18, 2009
Kanye West speaks

September 16, 2009
This Facebook page is pretty good, and I’m gonna let you see it, but Clifford G. Cumber has one of the best Facebook pages of all time!
Monday, August 10, 2009
How to lose your job on Facebook

August 10, 2009
Simply amazing! For a larger image click here:
How to lose your job on Facebook Hat Tip: “London Interesting” Be careful what you post on Facebook (via @dudleywild) Find it here on Flickr:
20090810 How to lose your job on Facebook
Monday, April 27, 2009
Could more changes be in store for Facebook?

Report: Facebook to open up to developers by Steven Musil April 26, 2009
Facebook plans to announce at a developer event Monday that it will open up user-contributed information to third-party developers, according to a report Sunday in The Wall Street Journal.
The move seems a continuation of APIs (application programming interfaces) Facebook launched in February that let developers access content and methods for sharing in Facebook apps including Status, Notes, Links, and Video.
Of course, all this hinges on persuading Facebook's 200 million users to share their personal data, a topic that ruffled some feathers in February. Facebook users threatened to revolt after the company announced changes to its terms of service…
But facing a rebellion from thousands of users and a possible federal complaint from the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the social-networking service returned to its previous terms.
Read the entire piece here: Report: Facebook to open up to developers by Steven Musil April 26, 2009
20090426 Report Facebook to open up to developers by Steven Musil
Steven Musil is the night news editor at CNET News. Before joining CNET News in 2000, Steven spent 10 years at various Bay Area newspapers. E-mail Steven.
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: (
Saturday, February 07, 2009
What Career Service Office Advisors Should be Telling Law Students About Social Media [Part 1/2]
Feb 5th, 2009 | By Josh Camson | Category: Facebook, Lead Article, LinkedIn, Twitter
If you're new here, and interested in using social media in the legal profession, you may want to subscribe to the RSS feed or follow me on Twitter @Rex7. Thank you for visiting
A friend of mine attends a top 20 law school. At the beginning of his first year this past fall, his Career Services Office (CSO) told the entire 1L class that if they wanted to be employable, they should remove themselves from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. That way, potential employers will not come across any damning information about the student.
To me, and I’m guessing to anyone who reads this website, that advice sounds well-intentioned but bad. We are well into the 21st century. Law students and CSOs alike need to realize that the internet is a tremendous tool at every law student’s disposal. It is true that like any tool, if the operator is not careful, there can be dangerous accidents. However, law students should be utilizing the internet in their job search and networking efforts to show others that they are a more rounded individual, and a better applicant. Law students should no longer cower in fear, worried that a potential employer will see the drunk shenanigans they got up to last weekend. Instead, they should use the internet, and social networking in particular, as a tool to aid them in their efforts.
This pair of posts will look at the three largest social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. I will show you how to keep (or start!) using these services while protecting the information intended only for your friends from getting into the hands of a potential employer.
Read more: What Career Service Office Advisors Should be Telling Law Students About Social Media [Part 1/2] | Social Media Law Student
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Art
Friday, December 05, 2008
CNET News: Koobface virus hits Facebook

Photo credit: A new mass-mailing virus targeting Facebook users directs victims to a site asking to download a Trojan masked as an Adobe Flash update. (Credit: McAfee Avert Labs) Actually this is a cropped version of the McAfee Avert Labs photo. I have the same image in my main computer, that is not available at the moment as I am still working on restoring all my data files and operating system after the “Facebook Koobface” virus infected my system in the early morning hours of December 4, 2008.

(Credit: McAfee Avert Labs)
This is another good article that explains how the “Facebook Koobface” virus works…
A worm responsible for sending Facebook users malicious code appears to be limited in nature, although the social engineering attack may be used again, say experts.
Facebook representative Barry Schnitt said the worm isn't new; it dates back to August, although the variant that first appeared on Wednesday targets only Facebook users.
Craig Schmugar, threat researcher for McAfee Avert Labs, confirmed this in a call with CNET News and said that, in general, Koobface strikes only social-networking sites.
After receiving a message in their Facebook in-box announcing, "You look funny in this new video" or something similar, recipients are then invited to click on a provided link. Once on the video site, a message says an update of Flash is needed before the video can be displayed. The viewer is prompted to open a file called flash_player.exe.
Schmugar said the prompt for a new player should be a warning. "The messages you tend to get from these sites don't look quite right." For instance, IE will tell you where the update is coming from, and usually it's not an Adobe site.
However, the message “a message says an update of Flash is needed before the video can be displayed,” is effective as many Microsoft users are aware that Microsoft and Adobe do not get along and that appears that Microsoft inhibits using Adobe products in Windows operating systems.
Many technology users maintain a hope that Microsoft will eventually stop attempting to inhibit Adobe products and we are always looking forward to “an update of flash” that will finally run easily in a Microsoft environment…
Another underreported dynamic is that the virus just breezed by Microsoft’s vaunted security update program. This program has been the source of much aggravation for heavy users; and now when the situation presents, that is why we put up with the obnoxious pesky persistent updates – it fails to work.
So the questions easily rises to the surface – why participate in the Microsoft update program?
If the viewer approves the Flash installation, Koobface attempts to download a program called tinyproxy.exe. This loads a proxy server called Security Accounts Manager (SamSs) the next time the computer boots up. Koobface then listens to traffic on TCP port 9090 and proxies all outgoing HTTP traffic. For example, a search performed on Google, Yahoo, MSN, or may be hijacked to other, lesser-known search sites.
Schmugar said this version of Koobface includes a bot-like component that could install other malicious apps at a later time.
Meanwhile, many articles repeat, “Facebook has posted instructions on how to remove the infection.” No it doesn’t. The information posted on the Facebook security page is so deficient and underwhelming, one could easily mistake it for humor.
According to a December 4, 2008 Reuters article, “Social network MySpace, owned by News Corp, was hit by a version of Koobface in August and used security technology to eradicate it, according to a company spokeswoman. The virus has not cropped up since then, she said.
If “MySpace” can protect its users, then why can’t Facebook?
Read the entire article here: Koobface virus hits Facebook
20081204 Koobface virus hits Facebook