Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems
Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:
Monday, June 10, 2013
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Frank keeps his eye on the boat in Wanchese harbor

July 20, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff
Frank keeps his eye on the boat in the harbor in Wanchese, Roanoke Island, Outer Banks, North Carolina.
20090720 sdosm Frank keeps his eye on the boat in Wanchese harbor
Monday, July 20, 2009
Frank, the tomato, working away in the kitchen

July 20, 2009
20090720 FTB in kitchen
Twitpic: Frank, the tomato working away in the kitchen in Nags Head.
Squirrel underpants
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I found these at the Grandy Greenhouse and Farm Market in Grandy, NC, as one approaches the Outer Banks.
The number of practical applications for such a product are only limited by an avid imagination… Squirrel underpants - I found these at the Grandy Greenhouse and Farm Market in Grandy, NC
20090719 FB sdosm twitpic Squirrel underpants
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Monday, October 20, 2008
We had joy, we had fun, we had sidewalks in the sun

EAGLE ARCHIVE By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 10/17/08
I'm writing this week's column within feet of the Atlantic Ocean in Nags Head, N.C.
And I mean, literally, "feet from the ocean." Our unit is one of the older ones built here and was, in hindsight, probably too close to the water. Yet it has managed to not yet be washed into the sea.
If you listen carefully while reading this, that is the sound of the ocean in the background.
Life is so hard ...
Many folks from Carroll County vacation on the Outer Banks in places such as Duck, Kill Devil Hills, Ocracoke, Kitty Hawk, Corolla and Manteo. Of course, most people come down here in the summer. (Which is why I like the Outer Banks in the off-season. It is way less crowded.)
Of course, I can't get away from history -- the Outer Banks is rich in history, lighthouses, scenery and miles of pristine beaches.
The Banks was the site of the first attempt at an English settlement on Roanoke Island in 1585.
Nags Head was first established in the 1830s, by a planter by the name of Francis Nixon. Hotels sprang up on the Outer Banks as early as the 1838. The first oceanfront cottages were built around 1855, by an investor named Dr. W. G. Pool, who bought 50 acres of oceanfront property for $30.
During the Civil War, on Dec. 30, 1862, a gale off Cape Hatteras sank the Union ironclad USS Monitor.
The Outer Banks is also where Orville and Wilbur Wright became the first to pilot a mechanically driven, heavier than air, machine about 120 feet, for 12 seconds, on Dec. 17, 1903.
OK, that's enough out-of-Carroll history. Many readers might be surprised to learn that Westminster was promoted 120 years ago as a summer vacation destination.
A promotional piece published by Vanderford Bros. on Jan. 1, 1887, and called to my attention by historian Jay Graybeal, included a section entitled, "(Westminster) as a Summer Resort"
Those who have been following recent discussions in Westminster Common Council meetings about efforts to maintain our streets would be fascinated to learn that the current struggle is not new. The 1887 promotion read, in part:
"The streets are lighted by gas, and are wide and straight. They have recently been graded and the sidewalks been relaid to conform to a uniform grade.
"On several of the outlying streets, much new paving has been done, and the work will begin anew in the spring. A proposition for paving the beds of the streets has been considered for some time, and the Mayor and Common Council, by a vote of the people, are authorized to have the work done when a suitable plan is decided upon ..."
"In short, Westminster is a live town, filled with an active, industrious, and thrifty population, that is unsurpassed for intelligence, skill and business energy.
"Altogether there is no more desirable place for business, for a comfortable, healthful and convenient permanent residence, or for the summer's sojourn, than Westminster."
All we need is a lighthouse.
Read the entire column here: We had joy, we had fun, we had sidewalks in the sun
20081019 SCE Westminster as a summer resort
20081019 SCE We had joy we had fun we had com/ sidewalks in the sun sceked
War driving in Nags Head NC – The Scream
Monday, October 20, 2008

October 10 – 19, 2008
I’m back home now – and I’m fine. Really I am. I’m told the twitching will stop soon…
20081019 War driving in Nags Head NC The Scream
Kevin Dayhoff Art
Monday, July 21, 2008
20080721 Nags Head Outer Banks North Carolina The Three Lifeguards

© Kevin Dayhoff
20080721 Nags Head Outer Banks North Carolina The Three Lifeguards
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
20070905 Song of the South: No grits, no glory
Note: This column first appeared in the Westminster Eagle on August 1st, 2007. Since it ran I have had several requests for copies… This is a longer version of that column. It is cross posted on my Westminster Eagle blog. "The Winchester Report":
Winchester Report: Song of the South: No grits, no glory
(Also see: “20070802 Welcome to the Outer Banks Grits Grill”)
Please enjoy.
08/01/07 – September 5th, 2007 By Kevin E. Dayhoff
Recently, my family ventured on our annual sojourn south. It's a combination family reunion and vacation, as folks rendezvous from literally all over the world to a house with its very own ZIP code in Nags Head, N.C.
Many are aware of
But of course, the real reason I like to go is to watch the Tour de France and the readily-available access to the most northern reaches of the "Georgia Ice Cream" belt ... which runs from
What's that, you ask? What is "Georgia Ice Cream?" Honey child, I am so glad you asked. It's perhaps the most misunderstood of Southern delicacies: grits.
Many folks from
Indeed, the state of
You may very well consider standing, placing your hand on your heart, and re-reading the previous sentence.
In the past, northerners have come up with many well-documented ways of annoying southerners. Lengthy historic and economic dissertations will give the uninformed a certain insight that disagreements over the manufacture and distribution of grits could be considered one of the causes of the “War of Northern Aggression.”
But one of the best sure-fire ways of having “
In 1952, the Charleston News and Courier proclaimed that grits, "an inexpensive, simple and thoroughly digestible food, should be made popular throughout the world. Given enough of it, the inhabitants of planet Earth would have nothing to fight about. A man full of (grits) is a man of peace."
The singular noun, "grits" has its roots from the Old English word, "grytta" meaning a coarse meal of any kind.
Native Americans introduced ground maize -- grits -- to the early English settlers many hundreds of years ago when the colonists were illegal aliens and did not speak the language of the land.
Outside the South, folks attempt to make the word "grits" plural. Not so. Consider the word, spaghetti, which is considered to be plural in form but takes a singular verb. (One does not, for example, write "spaghetti are.") Anytime you hear "grits are good," that is a sure-fire sign you're dealing with a Yankee who is not properly schooled in the fine art of grits.
According to one of my holiest Outer Banks destinations, the Grits Grill: "There are two basic types: corn grits and hominy grits. Corn grits (is) made from dried, milled corn kernels. Hominy grits (is) made by soaking corn in lye water for several days and then dried."
Of course, it's worth mentioning that the Grits Grill also serves another Southern delicacy, Krispy Kreme Donuts.
Many folks consider grits to be solely a breakfast food. Wrong. Grits is good for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the traditional South, grits automatically comes with breakfast. Once while traveling in the South, I specifically asked for an order of grits. The waitress glanced at me sideways and chewed her gum at a faster pace as she decreed, "Honey, grits just comes."
Many folks simply eat grits with a touch of salt and butter. Of course the real grits aficionado eats 'em smothered with bacon grease with their pinkie finger extended. I like grits mixed lightly ... with steak and eggs over-light. Please consult your cardiologist for additional consumption instructions.
As you can now easily understand, in a world pre-occupied with conflict and environmental perils, if more grits were served at mealtime, this food of love and peace could very well save the planet.
The Maryland General Assembly might consider going one-step further than
No grits, no glory.
Have you ever heard of folks arguing while sharing a meal of grits? I rest my case. At the Westminster Eagle, all we are saying is:
Give grits a chance.
E-mail him at kdayhoff AT carr DOT org or kevindayhoff AT gmail DOT com
His columns appear in The Tentacle,;
20070905 Song of the South: No grits, no glory
Note: This column first appeared in the Westminster Eagle on August 1st, 2007. Since it ran I have had several requests for copies… This is a longer version of that column. It is cross posted on my Westminster Eagle blog. "The Winchester Report":
Winchester Report: Song of the South: No grits, no glory
(Also see: “20070802 Welcome to the Outer Banks Grits Grill”)
Please enjoy.
08/01/07 – September 5th, 2007 By Kevin E. Dayhoff
Recently, my family ventured on our annual sojourn south. It's a combination family reunion and vacation, as folks rendezvous from literally all over the world to a house with its very own ZIP code in Nags Head, N.C.
Many are aware of
But of course, the real reason I like to go is to watch the Tour de France and the readily-available access to the most northern reaches of the "Georgia Ice Cream" belt ... which runs from
What's that, you ask? What is "Georgia Ice Cream?" Honey child, I am so glad you asked. It's perhaps the most misunderstood of Southern delicacies: grits.
Many folks from
Indeed, the state of
You may very well consider standing, placing your hand on your heart, and re-reading the previous sentence.
In the past, northerners have come up with many well-documented ways of annoying southerners. Lengthy historic and economic dissertations will give the uninformed a certain insight that disagreements over the manufacture and distribution of grits could be considered one of the causes of the “War of Northern Aggression.”
But one of the best sure-fire ways of having “
In 1952, the Charleston News and Courier proclaimed that grits, "an inexpensive, simple and thoroughly digestible food, should be made popular throughout the world. Given enough of it, the inhabitants of planet Earth would have nothing to fight about. A man full of (grits) is a man of peace."
The singular noun, "grits" has its roots from the Old English word, "grytta" meaning a coarse meal of any kind.
Native Americans introduced ground maize -- grits -- to the early English settlers many hundreds of years ago when the colonists were illegal aliens and did not speak the language of the land.
Outside the South, folks attempt to make the word "grits" plural. Not so. Consider the word, spaghetti, which is considered to be plural in form but takes a singular verb. (One does not, for example, write "spaghetti are.") Anytime you hear "grits are good," that is a sure-fire sign you're dealing with a Yankee who is not properly schooled in the fine art of grits.
According to one of my holiest Outer Banks destinations, the Grits Grill: "There are two basic types: corn grits and hominy grits. Corn grits (is) made from dried, milled corn kernels. Hominy grits (is) made by soaking corn in lye water for several days and then dried."
Of course, it's worth mentioning that the Grits Grill also serves another Southern delicacy, Krispy Kreme Donuts.
Many folks consider grits to be solely a breakfast food. Wrong. Grits is good for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the traditional South, grits automatically comes with breakfast. Once while traveling in the South, I specifically asked for an order of grits. The waitress glanced at me sideways and chewed her gum at a faster pace as she decreed, "Honey, grits just comes."
Many folks simply eat grits with a touch of salt and butter. Of course the real grits aficionado eats 'em smothered with bacon grease with their pinkie finger extended. I like grits mixed lightly ... with steak and eggs over-light. Please consult your cardiologist for additional consumption instructions.
As you can now easily understand, in a world pre-occupied with conflict and environmental perils, if more grits were served at mealtime, this food of love and peace could very well save the planet.
The Maryland General Assembly might consider going one-step further than
No grits, no glory.
Have you ever heard of folks arguing while sharing a meal of grits? I rest my case. At the Westminster Eagle, all we are saying is:
Give grits a chance.
E-mail him at kdayhoff AT carr DOT org or kevindayhoff AT gmail DOT com
His columns appear in The Tentacle,;
Thursday, January 03, 2002
20020102 Wster Mayor Wishes Club Well in 2002

Westminster Mayor Wishes Club Well in 2002
Westminster Road Runners Club
by Kevin Spradlin January 2nd, 2002
WESTMINSTER, Jan. 02 -- City of Westminster Mayor Kevin E. Dayhoff expressed his condolences for missing some of the recent Westminster Road Runners Club races, but promised he and his wife, Caroline, will be on the running scene soon.
"I guess one might say that I am taking a break from running that is not quite of my choosing," wrote a very busy Mayor on Tuesday in an email to the club. "It has just happened. I'm not necessarily happy about this turn of events -- but it is what it is and I'm going to make like a ball and roll with it."
Many remember the Mayor making an appearance last July at the
"I've taken breaks from running and college before and managed to get back into the groove at a later time," said Mayor Dayhoff, who is close to earning his Bachelor's Degree in Public Policy Administration and Analysis from Western Maryland College. "I guess my attitude is that being the Mayor is something that has a four-year cycle and that this is no rehearsal - I must do it well now. I feel a lot of responsibility."
"My first love is running," he said. "Caroline and I always look forward to the WRRC events, even if we don't run in them and just help out in any way that we can contribute. I'm quite out of shape and to try and run a race these days would not be responsible. I'll run again and I will get my degree."
In the meantime, WRRC members and
"I'm working hard on such things as the Terry Burk Trail - which is happening," said Mayor Dayhoff, "and the
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [WRRC].
Last updated: January 02, 2002.