Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems
Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - www.kevindayhoff.com Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 kevindayhoff@gmail.com Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics www.kevindayhoff.net For community: www.kevindayhoff.org For art, technology, writing, & travel: www.kevindayhoff.com
Monday, December 31, 2007
20061026 Blogospheric recognition from GWU's IPDI

Sunday, December 17, 2006
20061217 Who is Virginia Senator-elect James Webb

20061217 Who is Virginia Senator-elect James Webb
Who is Virginia Senator-elect James Webb
December 17, 2007
Virginia Senator-elect James Webb (D) gives a thumbs up sign to supporters as he arrives at Bailey's Elementary School to vote. (Alex Wong -- Getty Images)
New Faces
James Webb (D) defeated incumbent Sen. George Allen (R) by 9,329 votes.
Remark By Webb Arouses Passions: Exchange With Bush Further Polarizes Supporters, Critics (Post, December 2, 2006, Page B01)
In Following His Own Script, Webb May Test Senate's Limits (Post, November 29, 2006, Page A01)
Va. Makes It Official: Victory Is Webb's: Tally Shows Allen Lost by 9,329 Votes (Post, November 28, 2006, Page B01)
Lieberman a Wild Card in Iraq Policy: Senator Says Bipartisan Effort Is Needed for a Successful End (Post, November 13, 2006, Page A04)
Webb May Be Senate Maverick: Newest Member Expected to Take Antiwar Lead (Post, November 12, 2006, Page C01)
Democrats Take Control of Senate As Allen Concedes to Webb in Va.: Victor Vows New Approach To Iraq War (Post, November 10, 2006, Page A01)
VIRGINIA: Webb's Small Lead Holding Up As 'Senator-Elect' Starts Staffing (Post, November 9, 2006, Page A01)
For 3rd Candidate, a Moral Victory: No Way to Know How Gail Parker Affected High-Stakes Election (Post, November 9, 2006, Page A50)
Virginia Senate Race Too Close to Call: Webb Has Slim Lead but Allen Will Wait for Official Tally (Post, November 8, 2006; 12:42 PM)
VIRGINIA: Webb Has a Slim Edge Over Allen, But Recount Likely (Post, November 8, 2006, Page A01)
WHAT'S NEXT: 2 Camps Prepare for Numbers Battle (Post, November 8, 2006, Page A45)
U.S. SENATE RACE: High-Wattage Politicians Help Allen, Webb Wrap Up (Post, November 7, 2006, Page B02)
Webb: Democrats Will Take Back House, Senate (Post, November 6, 2006; 3:52 PM)
Allen and Webb Head For a Frenzied Finish: Candidates Make Last Dash to Woo Voters (Post, November 5, 2006, Page C08)
Allen and Webb Scramble To Break Voter Traditions: Military, Black Voters May Swap Loyalties (Post, November 4, 2006, Page B01)
Vitriol Fills the Air and Airwaves as Allen and Webb Battle On: Amid the Fray, Both Sides Eye Possibility of Recount (Post, November 3, 2006, Page B02)
Webb's Wife Steps Into Onstage Role, Denouncing Criticism of Va. Candidate: Hong Le Webb Denounces Criticism of Va. Candidate (Post, November 3, 2006, Page B05)
Webb and Allen Hit the Issues: With Help From Their Elders, Candidates Stay on Topic (Post, November 2, 2006, Page B05)
Vote on Senate Nears After Tumultuous Campaign: Controversies Bury the Issues In Final Months (Post, November 2, 2006, Page VA20)
Gazing Deep Into the Campaign Crystal Ball (Post, November 2, 2006, Page VA23)
Allen, Webb Camps Shift Focus to Turnout: Strategies Aim to Ensure Their Backers Vote (Post, October 31, 2006, Page B05)
On Transportation, Allen and Webb Share Views: Va. Senate Candidates Seek Metro Extension, Easing of Toll Road Construction (Post, October 30, 2006, Page B01)
Webb Defends Novels Against Attacks: Allen Has Crossed a 'Line That Should Never Be Crossed,' Candidate Says (Post, October 29, 2006, Page C06)
Allen Blasts Webb Novels For Sex Scenes: Veteran Says Works Reflect Trauma of War (Post, October 28, 2006, Page A01)
Va. Senate Candidates: James Webb: Defiant Iraq War Foe Defined by Vietnam (Post, October 27, 2006, Page A01)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
20061026 Blogospheric recognition from George Washington’s IPDI

Blogospheric recognition from George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet”
October 26th, 2006
Grazing through my fellow Maryland Blogger Alliance member’s web sites yesterday, I noticed a post by my colleague Bruce Godfrey at Crablaw’s Maryland Weekly that caught my attention.
He wrote in a post titled “Congratulations to Maryland Blogger Alliance Member Kevin Dayhoff” :
“Maryland Blogger Alliance member Kevin Dayhoff was recognized by the Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet for his coverage of the Maryland elections as a "must read" - I concur totally. Congrats, Kevin! posted by Bruce Godfrey at 10/24/2006 03:08:00 AM PERMALINK”
Holy Cow! That’s me.
Thanks a bunch Mr. Godfrey for calling it to my attention.
What an honor, especially since I look up to my colleagues with the Maryland Bloggers Alliance for what a great job they all do.
And it was not lost on me; after I followed the links graciously provided by Crablaw, that another MBA member, Free State Politics was also recognized. Congratulations.
So I humbly accept the recognition on behalf of all my colleagues with the Maryland Blogger Alliance and all the bloggers out there who slave away for long hours trying to make a difference and a contribution to our greater community by promoting facts and information, discussion and dialogue.
I am well aware of Dave Wissing’s excellent work at the Hedgehog Report. For all political junkies who appreciate numbers and commentary, there is no one better. And the work that the “Gang of Four” are doing with the elections in Howard County is cutting edge.
I finally had a chance this afternoon to take a cruise of all the sites and it is an impressive compendium of work. I got lots of value going through the Virginia bloggers’ sites and I recommend that you also find the time for that virtual cruise.
Congratulations to everyone who made the list.
Anyway, Here’s the skinny:
George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet” top 12 Maryland and Virginia political blogs.
Labor Day marks the official start of the political season, and the Institute has turned its attention to local and state races. This month, we look at who's blogging about Maryland and Virginia politics.
Below is our shortlist of six must-read blogs in Maryland and six in Virginia:
Free State Politics – http://freestatepolitics.blogspot.com/Montgomery Public Schools – http://montgomerypublicschools.blogspot.com/Maryland Politics Now – http://www.mdpoliticsnow.com/?cat=1The Hedgehog Report – http://www.hedgehogreport.com/Blog Arundel – http://arundel.blogspot.com/Kevin Dayhoff – http://www.kevindayhoff.com/
Not Larry Sabato – http://notlarrysabato.typepad.com/Raising Kaine – http://www.raisingkaine.com/frontPage.doCommonwealth Conservative – http://www.vaconservative.com/The Virginia Progressive – http://vaprogressive.com/Two Conservatives – http://twoconservatives.blogspot.com/Skeptical Observer – http://skepticalobservor.blogspot.com/
LEARN MORE and view our complete list HERE.
Whoa. Okay, talk with ya later. I’ve now gotta take out the trash, get dinner ready for my wife and do the dishes.
PS: Also please see:
Thanks to George Washington University’s Institute for Politics,…
Internet Accolade
“Soundtrack” Labels: Blogosphere, Elections 2006 MD, Erratum, Maryland Bloggers Alliance, Personal, Recognition, Virginia Issues
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: kdayhoff@carr.org www.thetentacle.com Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report www.thewestminstereagle.com www.kevindayhoff.com has moved to http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/