Klingon Wedding
Several really neat members of my family are getting married next spring. And me – the artist uncle, has been making some really helpful suggestions throughout the wedding preparations…
I mean, advancing age allows me the wisdom of having the memories of a number of memorable weddings.
(One of the most memorable was at the top of the World Trade Twin Towers in New York…)
Anyway, I came across a great idea for a thematic wedding. What better than a Klingon Wedding.
Whadda ya think. I mean it’s just a really helpful suggestion.
Ah - - you wouldn’t have to do the actual ceremony in the Klingon language. Then again, that might be a great idea.
Anyone know of a pastor or a rabbi who speaks Klingon?
OoooKaaay. I’ll just get back to work here now that I have been so helpful.
Oh, don’t mention it. Anytime.
Love you guys.
Uncle Kevin
Babylon Family Mr. Smurf, Dayhoff personal, Erratum Klingon(s), Humor