Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin and I attended the funeral yesterday for Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler. In our official capacities, we offered condolences from all Maryland citizens to the family for their loss.
Today, at the end of the Senate legislative session, I moved that the Senate adjourn in memory of Airman 1st Class Seidler as a tribute to this Maryland Fallen Hero.
Seidler was 24-years-old and lived in Westminster where he graduated from Westminster High School in 2006.
When he joined the Air Force, he was accepted into the elite EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) unit. He was well-aware of the dangers he faced - the EOD personnel comprise only 1% of the Air Force but suffer 25% of the casualties.
On January 5, 2012, Seidler was part of a military convey of 27 vehicles engaged in hostile combat operations in the Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Earlier that day, his unit had defused two IEDs (improvised explosive devices) so that the convoy could continue its maneuvers. Tragically, his truck was hit by a third IED that killed Seidler and two other airmen.
The article by Kevin Dayhoff of the Carroll Eagle does an excellent job of capturing the outpouring of emotion and the honor and dignity given to this local hero during the funeral at Sol Levinson's & Bros. in Reisterstown. (click here)
Please keep the family of Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler in your prayers.
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Labels: Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, MD Gen Assembly Senate, Military, Military Air Force, Military Department of Defense, Military Fallen Hero, Military Fallen Hero Carroll Co, Military ISAF, People Brown Anthony, People Cardin Ben, People Getty-Joe Getty, World Middle East Afghanistan, Military EOD,
Military, Military Air Force, Military Department of Defense, Military Fallen Hero, Military Fallen Hero Carroll Co, Military ISAF, World Middle East Afghanistan, Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, MD Gen Assembly Senate, People Getty-Joe Getty, People Cardin Ben, People Brown Anthony,
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