April 28, 2009
“Red Eye” has major cringe worthy moments… Matt Patterson has done a great job of making sense of this Fox show that more often than not, makes no sense – delightfully…
Often you just shake your head in disbelief and cover your eyes – and yet peak between your fingers. It is compelling, provocative and devoid of any socially redeeming value – and that is exactly why after watching it several times – you’re hooked. However, beware, admitting that you watch it has consequences and may subject you to ridicule. Whatever…
'Red Eye' at 500 by Matt Patterson Is there a stranger show on television than "Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld"? Careening between train wreck and brilliance (often within the same five minute segment), "Red Eye" has been providing necrophilia jokes and toilet humor alongside serious political commentary and biting social satire for over two years now. In...
Tags: Andy Levy, Bill Schulz, David Letterman, greg gutfeld, Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld, Steve Allen, Thaddeus McCotter Posted Apr 28th 2009 at 5:03 am in Daily Gut, Entertainment, Featured Story, Political Humor
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20090428 Red Eye at 500 by Matt Patterson
“Red Eye” has major cringe worthy moments… Matt Patterson has done a great job of making sense of this Fox show that more often than not, makes no sense – delightfully…
Often you just shake your head in disbelief and cover your eyes – and yet peak between your fingers. It is compelling, provocative and devoid of any socially redeeming value – and that is exactly why after watching it several times – you’re hooked. However, beware, admitting that you watch it has consequences and may subject you to ridicule. Whatever…
'Red Eye' at 500 by Matt Patterson Is there a stranger show on television than "Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld"? Careening between train wreck and brilliance (often within the same five minute segment), "Red Eye" has been providing necrophilia jokes and toilet humor alongside serious political commentary and biting social satire for over two years now. In...
Tags: Andy Levy, Bill Schulz, David Letterman, greg gutfeld, Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld, Steve Allen, Thaddeus McCotter Posted Apr 28th 2009 at 5:03 am in Daily Gut, Entertainment, Featured Story, Political Humor
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20090428 Red Eye at 500 by Matt Patterson
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com (http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/)
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net