Benjamin’s Krider’s United Church of Christ and Cemetery
Established 1761
I looked for a web site for the church and I was not able to find one. I did however find a list of the folks buried in the cemetery as of October 25th, 1889 here: “Krider's Cemetery, Carroll Co., MD List of interments” or http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/md/carroll/cemeteries/krider.txt
“Krider's (St Benjamin's) Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery is located on
Krider's Church Road near Westminster, Carroll County,
list of interments taken October 25, 1889, was found in The Democratic
Advocate, a local newspaper, and was published the first of February 1890.”
I also found a list of cemeteries in
Bachman's Cemetery
Harney - Piney
Silver Run - St. Mary's Lutheran / Reformed Cemetery
Taneytown -
Tyrone - Baust's Lutheran / Reformed Cemetery
Uniontown -
That’s as far as I took it…