This week in The Tentacle
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Mockingbird’s Song
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The reclusive and enigmatic childhood friend of Truman Capote, Harper Lee, celebrated a birthday yesterday. She was born Nelle Harper Lee on April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, Alabama.
Malaysian Wedding – Part 3
Tom McLaughlin
Seremban, Malaysia – I returned to the groom’s home after a refreshing sleep. To my surprise, a ceremony was in progress. I thought I had it down about Malay weddings, but this part was not in my file.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Overwhelming Majority
Roy Meachum
At the end of his first 100 days on the job, a significant poll indicates President Barack Obama receives approval from an overwhelming majority of his fellow Americans. Sixty-three percent voted in his favor, 36 percent did not, in a survey paid for by The Washington Post and ABC-TV.
Advice from The Voice of Experience – Part 3
Nick Diaz
Alas, my third installment on buying a used motorcycle, one of my favorite activities. Buying a used motorcycle, as I’ve mentioned before, is much more fun than selling one.
Monday, April 27, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 12-Part 2
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Last week, we started a review of the fallout from the just completed General Assembly session. Let's pick up where we left off.
While you were out…
Steven R. Berryman
If you blinked at the wrong moment over the last few weeks, and rely solely on one part of the media paradigm for your news, you may have missed any of these following items. Not necessarily because of media-bias, but simply because we only have so much time and tolerance for added information in our lives:
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Turtle" Jennifer
Roy Meachum
Aside from her declaration on City Hall steps, ex-mayor Jennifer Dougherty seems to have disappeared. What a difference from her recent campaigns!
If you ain’t the lead dog…
Joe Charlebois
President George W. Bush led. President William Jefferson Clinton led. Presidents George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan led. No matter what your opinion of our last four presidents in regard to their policies, they were leaders.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
George Santayana was correct…
Chris Cavey
Maryland’s political landscape is showing the pre-revolutionary signs of change. Just over a week ago, thousands of voting citizens took to the streets in the cold damp April rain to show their disgust in government’s rampant spending and to exercise their right to assemble in protest.
You’ve Found Your Voice. Use it!
Joan McIntyre
I’m guessing that by the time this article makes it to print there will others already out there about the Tea Party. I also suspect there will be as many different angles to that day as there will be stories.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
‘Smiling Faces…’
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Monday a smiling President Barack Obama stopped by CIA headquarters for the first time since taking office. It was a charm offensive to give the agency a pep talk to help stave off low morale issues.
In the Face of Tragedy…
Michael Kurtianyk
On Sunday morning, I heard the church bells ring as I went to get the morning papers. I wanted to make sure that I picked them up before my 7-year-old daughters got to them. I knew what the headlines were going to be, and I didn’t want daughters to read the headlines before my wife and I had a chance to talk and prepare for that conversation.
A Malay Wedding – Part Two
Tom McLaughlin
Seremban, Malaysia – It’s the day before the celebration. Nazir’s son picked me up at the airport and I feigned I knew him, faking it most of the way. The marble finally dropped into the correct location in the brain and I realized who he was and could participate in the conversation instead of stupidly nodding my head.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Selling Newspapers?
Roy Meachum
"State of Play" opened this weekend; the film will be discussed with Bob Miller on his WFMD "Morning Express" Friday. Its’ message about modern newspapering burns in my mind and cannot wait another three days.
A Call to Arms…
Farrell Keough
I had the privilege of attending the Frederick County Tea Party. While neither man will accept the credit, great thanks goes out to Blaine Young and Bob Miller of WFMD radio, 930 A.M. That attendance on such an awful day to be outside was remarkable!
Monday, April 20, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 12
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
The General Assembly Department of Legislative Services produces a document each year summarizing the legislative session. This year, I thought I’d produce my own right here on The Tentacle.
Because Hope is not a Method
Steven R. Berryman
My name is Steve, and I’m a “right-wing extremist.” That’s how I would start an “AA” meeting if those letters stood for “activists anonymous!”
20090429 This week in The Tentacle
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Mockingbird’s Song
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The reclusive and enigmatic childhood friend of Truman Capote, Harper Lee, celebrated a birthday yesterday. She was born Nelle Harper Lee on April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, Alabama.
Malaysian Wedding – Part 3
Tom McLaughlin
Seremban, Malaysia – I returned to the groom’s home after a refreshing sleep. To my surprise, a ceremony was in progress. I thought I had it down about Malay weddings, but this part was not in my file.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Overwhelming Majority
Roy Meachum
At the end of his first 100 days on the job, a significant poll indicates President Barack Obama receives approval from an overwhelming majority of his fellow Americans. Sixty-three percent voted in his favor, 36 percent did not, in a survey paid for by The Washington Post and ABC-TV.
Advice from The Voice of Experience – Part 3
Nick Diaz
Alas, my third installment on buying a used motorcycle, one of my favorite activities. Buying a used motorcycle, as I’ve mentioned before, is much more fun than selling one.
Monday, April 27, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 12-Part 2
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Last week, we started a review of the fallout from the just completed General Assembly session. Let's pick up where we left off.
While you were out…
Steven R. Berryman
If you blinked at the wrong moment over the last few weeks, and rely solely on one part of the media paradigm for your news, you may have missed any of these following items. Not necessarily because of media-bias, but simply because we only have so much time and tolerance for added information in our lives:
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Turtle" Jennifer
Roy Meachum
Aside from her declaration on City Hall steps, ex-mayor Jennifer Dougherty seems to have disappeared. What a difference from her recent campaigns!
If you ain’t the lead dog…
Joe Charlebois
President George W. Bush led. President William Jefferson Clinton led. Presidents George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan led. No matter what your opinion of our last four presidents in regard to their policies, they were leaders.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
George Santayana was correct…
Chris Cavey
Maryland’s political landscape is showing the pre-revolutionary signs of change. Just over a week ago, thousands of voting citizens took to the streets in the cold damp April rain to show their disgust in government’s rampant spending and to exercise their right to assemble in protest.
You’ve Found Your Voice. Use it!
Joan McIntyre
I’m guessing that by the time this article makes it to print there will others already out there about the Tea Party. I also suspect there will be as many different angles to that day as there will be stories.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
‘Smiling Faces…’
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Monday a smiling President Barack Obama stopped by CIA headquarters for the first time since taking office. It was a charm offensive to give the agency a pep talk to help stave off low morale issues.
In the Face of Tragedy…
Michael Kurtianyk
On Sunday morning, I heard the church bells ring as I went to get the morning papers. I wanted to make sure that I picked them up before my 7-year-old daughters got to them. I knew what the headlines were going to be, and I didn’t want daughters to read the headlines before my wife and I had a chance to talk and prepare for that conversation.
A Malay Wedding – Part Two
Tom McLaughlin
Seremban, Malaysia – It’s the day before the celebration. Nazir’s son picked me up at the airport and I feigned I knew him, faking it most of the way. The marble finally dropped into the correct location in the brain and I realized who he was and could participate in the conversation instead of stupidly nodding my head.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Selling Newspapers?
Roy Meachum
"State of Play" opened this weekend; the film will be discussed with Bob Miller on his WFMD "Morning Express" Friday. Its’ message about modern newspapering burns in my mind and cannot wait another three days.
A Call to Arms…
Farrell Keough
I had the privilege of attending the Frederick County Tea Party. While neither man will accept the credit, great thanks goes out to Blaine Young and Bob Miller of WFMD radio, 930 A.M. That attendance on such an awful day to be outside was remarkable!
Monday, April 20, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 12
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
The General Assembly Department of Legislative Services produces a document each year summarizing the legislative session. This year, I thought I’d produce my own right here on The Tentacle.
Because Hope is not a Method
Steven R. Berryman
My name is Steve, and I’m a “right-wing extremist.” That’s how I would start an “AA” meeting if those letters stood for “activists anonymous!”
20090429 This week in The Tentacle
Journalists Berryman Steve, Journalists Keough Farrell, People Cavey-Chris, Journalists Charlebois Joe, Journalists McLaughlin Tom, Journalists Meachum Roy, Journalists Diaz Nick, People Weldon-Richard, Journalists McIntyre Joan, Journalists Kurtianyk Michael,
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com (http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/)