EAGLE ARCHIVE By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on http://www.explorecarroll.com/ 4/12/09 http://tinyurl.com/cylr5j
Photo by Sherri Hosfeld Joseph: G. Melvin Mills Jr. and Linda Mills on April 3, 2009, at the Carroll Hospital Center Foundation Founders Dinner which honored Mr. Mills as the newest recipient of its Founders Circle Community Spirit Award.
Mills' contributions to hospital follow a healthful tradition
Posted on http://www.explorecarroll.com/ 4/12/09 http://tinyurl.com/cylr5j
On April 3, the Carroll Hospital Center Foundation Founders Dinner honored the newest recipient of its Founders Circle Community Spirit Award, G. Melvin Mills Jr. Mills joins previous honorees Atlee Wampler, David and Betty Scott, Charles Fisher Sr., Scott and Anita Bair, Jack Gambatese, Jack Tevis and Steve Bohn.
Throughout our history there are many examples of basic needs of our community that have been addressed by the private sector.
Look no further than our local hospital. Talk of the need for a hospital in our community goes as far back as the 1880s, and its history is filled with stories of private individuals who worked hard to ensure that it was built.
Many folks in the community may take the hospital for granted, but its success has been greatly supported by the community.
At this year's Founders ceremony, held at St. John's Portico in Westminster, the event's 240 guests also were acknowledged for their generosity and ongoing financial support of the hospital, Carroll Hospice and the hospital auxiliary.
Jack Tevis, chair of the hospital foundation board; John Sernulka, hospital CEO; Charlie Fisher Jr., chair of board of directors; and the 2007 Spirit Award recipient, Steve Bohn, all shared in presenting Mills with the 2009 award for his contributions of time, talent and resources to the hospital since the mid-1980s.
Mills served on the foundation board of trustees from 1995 to 2005. From 2001 to 2005 he chaired the board while also serving on the hospital's board of directors. And during his 10 years of service, more than $15 million was raised on behalf of the hospital and Carroll Hospice.
Also recognized for her contributions was Mills' wife Linda -- as we all know, no one can do great things for the community without the support of family.
Finally, I should note that Sherri Hosfeld Joseph, the hospital foundation's director of development, helped me with information for this week's column. If you'd like to learn more about the work of the foundation, give her a call at 410- 871-6200.
When he is not eating sushi with Sherri Hosfeld Joseph, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at kevindayhoff AT gmail DOT com.
Read the entire column here: Mills' contributions to hospital follow a healthful tradition
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Mills' contributions to hospital follow a healthful tradition