Westminster Eagle Week in Review
Wednesday, September 5th, 2007 - Posted Saturday, September 8th, 2007
Day at State Fair fills us with Carroll County pride
What better way to spend one of the last hoorahs of summer than enjoying a day at the Maryland State Fair?
The fair, which ended its run on Monday, is always a sensory overload of lights, sounds, smells, food and the people watching, not to mention the traditional fair favorites such as the animal...
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Local News Saturday, September 08
Balance is theme in
Two years ago, football teams at
That same year, Francis Scott Key and Winters Mill also made postseason appearances as
It's possible that same scenario could happen in 2007.
While several teams were depleted by graduation, the quality of football in the county appears to be at an all-time high. Consider th...
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Test scores are in, but warrant a closer look
The results are in, but county education officials last week weren't quite sure whether they warranted a cheer ... or a more subdued pat on the back.
Just as students were settling back into school, Carroll County Public Schools staffers were diving last week into a detailed analysis of new High S...
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Family treasures at HSCC
Appraisal Day taps into history and family pride
It's interesting to see what people have in their attics, basements and stored away in closets.
For Timmi Pierce, executive director of the Historical Society of Carroll County, one of the most interesting "finds" during last year's HSCC Antiques ...
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Focus on People
Venturing Crew earns environmental honor
Representatives of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Boy Scouts of America this month presented the youth of Venturing Crew 202 with the William T. Hornaday Award for significant service in the field of natural resource conservation.
To ear...
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Business Briefs
Primm takes new position at New Windsor
New Windsor State Bank has announced that Louna S. Primm recently joined the bank in the position of executive vice president and chief lending officer.
In the new role, she is responsible for NWSB's commercial, residential and consumer lending.
Primm h...
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Commuter service trial run might be a way to test transit waters
The Board of County Commissioners raised a few eyebrows recently with a reported discussion of the future of transit service in
In the wake of that discussion, a longtime ...
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Commuters could milk the railway lines for all they're worth
I'm always fascinated about the words or sayings we use.
I once heard a man at a gathering say, "Well, I waited and took the milk train down to
I couldn't help but ask him if he knew where or how that expression started. I then had an opportunity to use some stored up facts.
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Taxpayers support those who spend in the wrong places
I think Ebenezer Scrooge must have been a Republican. And if he lived today, he would buy a McMansion in
Scanning the local papers I find that the wealthier people get the stingier they are. For example, our commissioners get paid about the same as the beginning salary for a comput...
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Walking through the Westminster Inn last week, Jeff Sprinkle couldn't help but remember his days in the building as a student.
Both he and his father, Sprinkle said, attended school at the
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Test scores are in, but warrant a closer look
The results are in, but county education officials last week weren't quite sure whether they warranted a cheer ... or a more subdued pat on the back.
Just as students were settling back into school, Carroll County Public Schools staffers were diving last week into a detailed analysis of new High S...
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Teens' creativity reaps reward from library
For the fifth year, middle school and high school youth of
The five county library branches collected a total of 70 entries over the course of the summer.
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News Briefs
Steam and Gas show at
The Mason Dixon Historical Society Inc. will host its 45th annual Steam and Gas Round-Up at the
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Fun and games for a good cause: Youth Services Bureau
The second annual Day to Play on Saturday, Sept. 8, in
The Day to Play fund-raiser calls on teams of participants to scour the ...
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More Headlines
Education Notes
By Heidi Schroeder
Mad about Monarchs at Bear Branch
Participants will celebrate the arrival of autumn by learning about the annual migration of Monarch butterflies to and from
There will also be crafts, games, face painting and butterfly storytelling. Food, beverages and souvenirs will be for sale.
Call 410-848-2517 or e-mail bbnc@carr.org for more information.
> The Carroll County Board of Education will meet on Monday, Sept. 10, 5 p.m., in room 007 of the board offices, 125 N. Court St., Westminster. The public is invited to attend. The agenda and back-up materials for the meeting will be available for review on BoardDocs at the CCPS Web site at www.carrollk12.org.
> The Westminster Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization will meet at the school on Monday, Sept. 17, 3:30 p.m. For more information, e-mail WestminsterPTO@yahoo.com.
> Westminster High School's Instrumental Music Boosters will hold an indoor-outdoor Craft Fair, Flea Market and Yard Sale on Saturday, Sept. 8, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Westminster High School, 1225 Washington Road in Westminster. There will be food and door prizes, as well as a children's corner with baby sitting.
For more information, call Annette at 410-857-9673. Proceeds benefit Westminster High Instrumental Music.
> A public hearing on the boundary line changes for
I want to hear about upcoming events and achievements at your school. Share items with me by phone at 410-386-0334 or by e-mail at hschroeder AT patuxent.com.
'Beastlax' seeking players for grades 10-12
The Beastlax 7-on-7 Fall Lacrosse League is looking for high school age players in 10th, 11th and 12th grades.
All games will be held in
* BIG SHOES TO FILL ... Graduation took many top players from 2006. Just two of the county's top five rushers and two of the top 10 receivers return, so this could be a rebuilding year for several teams. Also, only two regular quarterbacks are back for 2007:
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Key Games to Watch
From cross-county road trips to cross-town rivalries, the 2007
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More Headlines GAME FACES
Coffee, doughnuts and ice cream in Boston by Kevin Dayhoff
My wife and I recently spent our annual "history week trek" in
We had already completed our obligatory family vacation at the beach. For the additional annual week away, often in the past we have headed south to the "grits belt" for a "history-and-working" vacation.
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