May 7, 2009
Photo credit: Jerry Jackson of The Sun. Courtesy of John McIntyre, “You Don’t Say.” From his post published on Saturday, May 2, 2009, “Many kindnesses.” http://johnemcintyre.blogspot.com/2009/05/many-kindnesses.html
John McIntyre has sealed his predecessor's ashes in an egg of myrrh.
“You Don’t Say” by John E. McIntyre has left the building…
May 7, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff
This past weekend, I stumbled upon this photo of John McIntyre leaving the byzantine denizens of Calvert Street, pushing a shopping cart. It was upsetting. However, ever the class act, his post which accompanied the photo was uplifting.
For those who are in temporary withdrawal as a result of the untimely demise of “You Don’t Say,” by John E. McIntyre; let not your heart be heavy or allow your possessives with a gerund grind to a halt.
If you will recall, Mr. McIntyre, the author of the aforementioned feature in “The Sun,” was recently unshackled from the challenges of his employment interfering with his life.
Yes, gentile readers, Mr. McIntyre has been visited upon by the spirit of Zell, who set fire to his “nest of aromatic boughs and spices.”
As with the mythological ancient Egyptian bird, he has “sealed its predecessor's ashes in an egg of myrrh and flew to Heliopolis to deposit them on the altar of the sun god.”
If this has either affected – or effected – you, mosey on over to his new cubicle at “You Don’t Say,” on blogger: http://johnemcintyre.blogspot.com/.
News of the rebirth of “You Don’t Say” spread quickly among those of us who are, in particular, in constant need of a copy editor (such as me – or is it such as myself?)
Mr. McIntyre confidently wrote in “Turning the page,” on Thursday, April 30, 2009, “I’m back, and I do not intend to go away.”
At that I joined the collective sigh of relief… Please join me in welcoming Mr. McIntyre to the dark side…
And oh, if you should happen to feel the need to correspond with Mr. McIntyre, always use spel chek.
“Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix.” — Christina Baldwin
~ Kevin Dayhoff http://www.kevindayhoff.com/
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PS: For all those who have asked me to write more about the Sun Massacre; no thanks. The last time I checked, I still work for the Baltimore Sun Media Group and I would like to continue…
Photo credit: Jerry Jackson of The Sun. Courtesy of John McIntyre, “You Don’t Say.” From his post published on Saturday, May 2, 2009, “Many kindnesses.” http://johnemcintyre.blogspot.com/2009/05/many-kindnesses.html
20090507 SDOSM John McIntyre has left the building
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net