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Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems
Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Westminster’s first annual New Year’s Eve celebration a big success
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Sunday, January 03, 2010
Dinner at Moms
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[20100101 Dinner at Moms] Annual New Year, candles, Dayhoff Art New Year, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Food, Mom
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Among a list of what are certainly my favorite blogs, my blog, Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack – “Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” was fortunate enough to be ranked #17 -
Mr. Albero cites his source as being Blog Net News Maryland (BNN.)
For those who are no familiar with BNN it “is the premier guide to what is going on in the Maryland news and politics blogosphere. Each blog followed by BNN has its own directory page where you can find information about the blog's traffic, link authority and influence gathered from all over the internet as well as links to the blogs latest posts and the blog's rss feed so you can subscribe.”
Randomly pick any of the blogs in the top twenty and you are sure to be greeted with well-written and thoughtful commentary.
Please note that of the top twenty blogs on Maryland; at least two are from Carroll County: “The Carroll Standard” is ranked Number 3 - and my blog. And if I am not mistaken, isn’t “The Political Octagon” from Carroll County?
Two of my favorite blogs in Maryland, “Soccer Dad,” and Bryan Sears, “Strange Bedfellows,” are not in the Blog Net News Network. I have often wondered why? Especially Mr. Sears’ blog? Our big sister newspaper blog, “The Sun: Maryland Politics,” which is consistently one of my favorite reads; is on the network…
My favorite blogs for 2009 include every blog on the BNN Top Twenty, however, if I am pressed for time, the writers and blogs I click-on, in no particular order, are On The Record (For example, for more fun than you can stand, read: “‘Annotated Harrell’ year-end wrap-up”; Maryland Politics Today – or; Baltimore Reporter; and Strange Bedfellows.
From there I go to anything written by Carrie Ann Knauer, who writes for the Carroll County Times, Charles Schelle, my colleague at; Cliff Cumber and Meg Tully at the Frederick News-Post; Bryan Sears, my colleague over at our sister paper,; Mike Schuh at WJZ, Channel 13 in Baltimore; and all of my colleagues at The Tentacle, And no, that list is not comprehensive…
Thanks for everyone who read Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack in 2009. I’m looking forward to an exciting 2010.
The list of Maryland’s most politically influential political blogs of 2009:
1. Salisbury News (1)
2. Inside Charm City (17)
3. The Carroll Standard (-)
4. On The Record (13)
5. The Dagger (-)
6. Maryland Politics Watch (9)
7. Red Maryland (3)
8. Pocomoke Tattler (4)
9. Baltimore Reporter (14)
10. Monoblogue (2)
11. The Sun: Maryland Politics (-)
12. The Silver Spring Penguin (-)
13. Delusional Duck (10)
14. Annapolis Capital Punishment (19)
15. The Political Octagon (-)
16. Questing for Atlantis (-)
17. Kevin Dayhoff (-)
18. Rockville Central (-)
19. Delmarva Dealings (12)
20. Faster, Better… (-)
(I guess, the recognition I most appreciated in 2009 came on April 24, 2009 when I was awarded first place in the editorial “critical thinking” category for non-dailies with over 20,000 in circulation, by the Maryland Delaware DC Press Association, for the April 2, 2008 Westminster Eagle column, “Jeff Morse incident a lost opportunity.” Links: Maryland Delaware DC Press Association 2008 awards may be found here: -
20100101 sdosm SbyNews MD Most Pol Influential Blogs 2009 Annual New Year, Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Art New Year, History 2009 Yr in Review
Maryland’s Most Politically Influential Blogs For 2009 and Annual New Year, Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Art New Year, History 2009 Yr in Review
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year

Happy New Year #2 by Kevin Dayhoff 12/31/2006
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[20061231b HappyNewYr2] Annual New Year, Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Art New Year
Happy New Year #2 - Kevin Dayhoff
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Westminster Eagle: There is no such thing as a simpler time
Kevin Dayhoff
Posted on 1/07/09
It's the first week of 2009 and, by now, most of us are back to work with the extra pounds of the holidays and the memories of 2008, and we're beginning to focus upon the challenges of 2009.
At gatherings I attended during the holidays, much of the conversation concerned the state of the economy.
On several occasions I heard folks yearning for "simpler days." To which I cringe. The concept of the "simpler days of yesteryear" is a myth perpetuated by the historically uninformed to make a point that we've somehow gone astray.
In the past several years, I have lamented over how the "Internet Age" has resulted in revisionist history obtusely retold in today's context in order to perpetuate a particular political agenda.
Pick a time of economic chaos in history. Or a time of war or great social change. Pick a year, any year, and an accurate portrayal of history will put into context immense challenges and how our nation successfully came together to face those challenges.
To be certain, it wasn't always pretty. However, as any of the great folks who have gone before us will tell you, there was nothing simple about overcoming the challenges of any day.
For whatever reason, in the middle of suffering through one of those soliloquies about how days gone by were simpler, my thoughts drifted to 1942.
It was less than a month after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, that the dawn of the New Year in 1942 witnessed Carroll County engaged in the work of helping with the war effort.
According to "From Our Front Porch," a history of Carroll County in the 1900s by Jim Lee, "As the new year arrived, Carroll stepped up its efforts to prepare for potential enemy invasions. ... In Westminster, a blackout rehearsal (had taken place) on Dec. 12, at 9 p.m. Following that, a meeting of all county Civil Defense personnel was called for 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Westminster Firemen's Building."
As part of the efforts to protect Carroll County from the enemy, members of the Civil Defense units would work shifts "at an air raid lookout post" looking for enemy aircraft flying over the county.
Another local defense initiative saw "more than 1,100 Carroll countians signed up as Minute Men.
"The men wore a determined expression that boded no good for any invaders in Carroll County... Crack riflemen" were among the accumulated defensemen. "One man is keeping his fox hounds in excellent condition (to help) lookout for parachutists ..."
The book also reports that, "in February (1942) the City of Westminster informed residents it would provide sand to homes that could be used to extinguish fires from incendiary bombs."
Carroll County was not bombed or attacked, and by today's standards some of the events of the dawn of 1942 may seem silly for those predisposed to analyze history with a 20/20 hindsight sense of false superiority.
As we look forward to 2009, our own challenges seem overwhelming.
However, by rolling up our sleeves and applying a good dose of common sense, we will rise to the occasion ... just as we have in the past.
One can be sure that our efforts to overcome the challenges will not always be pretty, but we'll get there. It's in our heritage.
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. E-mail him at kdayhoff AT
20090107 WE There is no such thing as a simpler time weked
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Art
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Mr. Moose wishes everyone a Happy New Year.
Mr. Moose wishes everyone a Happy New Year.
December 31, 2008
Mr. Moose wishes everyone a Happy New Year.
20081231 Mr Moose Happy New Year
Kevin Dayhoff Art
Thursday, January 03, 2008
20080102 Fragmentary patchworks

Fragmentary patchworks of autochthonous and foreign elements.
January 2nd, 2008 by
Happy New Year Mr. Isaac Smith. Thanks for the mention - The List (No, Not the Washington Post's). [Free State Politics
Michael Swartz's list of local blogs to watch in 2008 is pretty good. It is missing a few good blogs of note, however…
As much as I agreed with most, but not all, of Mr. Swartz’s list, your list is right on the money. I also miss Stephanie Dray’s Jousting for Justice. And I am very happy that Crablaw's Maryland Weekly is back…
And thanks for calling to our attention the Washington Post’s list: Year in Review 2007 - “The List: What's In and Out for 2008” BY HANK STUEVER - WASHINGTON POST STAFF WRITER - – what a hoot. (And don’t miss giving The Year That Was 2007 by Brian Griffiths a good read. He obviously spent some time thinking about it…)
Your post could not have been timed better as it came shortly after a conversation with a dear colleague who said they like my blog – although I’m too liberal.
Ay caramba - whatever.
Along that thread, another colleague said “Dayhoff … your problem is that you like everybody.”
To that I plead guilty – life is way to short. Then again, maybe not – I don’t like mean people; and that personality defect occurs in folks from all political persuasions.
I simply do not allow politics to dictate my friends - - and I don’t like folks who do pick their friends based on politics. (I’ll be having lunch later in the week with a dear friend with whom I disagree about everything when it comes to politics.) I can disagree with folks about issues, but more often than not – I like the person…
As far as your observation: “… his actual blog hard to read -- its look is extremely busy and most of the posts are just link aggregations…” Hey, you oughta be in my head…
At least with the blog, there is an attempt at organization… I also find my blog “hard to read” and try as I might, after blogging for a number of years, it is still way too busy.
Perhaps my blog is a manifestation of being a hypergraphic attention deficit disorder hyperactive dyslexic. Maybe – just maybe, one day I’ll figure out what I’m doing. Being a technology geek – one would’ve thought blogging would be easy for me. It is not.
At this point, on the blog evolutionary scale, my blog is a monkey on roller skates. The monkey may or may not be wearing a pink tutu - this is for you to decide.
Years ago, I thought blogging would be easy for a columnist and short story writer. It has not been the case. And within the last number of months, I picked up a third (newspaper) column every week; which just proves the “Peter Principle” is real. I’m now way beyond my intellectual and cognitive abilities.
Heckfire – some days, I’m proud to have even found the time, much less the cognitive abilities - to post “link aggregations.”
Meanwhile, I am painstakingly determined to promote constant attention on current procedures of transacting business focusing emphasis on innovative ways to better, if not supercede, the expectations of quality. What I really need in order to navigate the treacherous waters that lie ahead is a list of specific unknown problems I will encounter.
Always remember, the purpose of my blog is to discuss fragmentary patchworks of autochthonous and foreign elements as juxtaposed by the undeniable command mortality of insignificant self-inflicted syntactic semiotic economics which sometimes may cause irreproducible results unless there is a pre-emptive digital fallibility matrix which would require an integrated third-generational triangulated refinement of indefinite managerial potential.
As I wax philosophic with metaphysical postulations, incomplete aphorisms and inconsistent sophism that allows me to conclude, more and more sure, that the only true thing about anything is nothing.
Now I know you believe you understand what you think I just said but I am sure that you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
As always, your thoughtful consideration is appreciated regardless of the outcome on any particular issue. Whether we agree or disagree, always find my door open for friendly civil and constructive dialogue.
Pray for my wife.
Best wishes for a great 2008.
E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT or kevindayhoff AT
His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle -; Westminster Eagle Opinion;, Winchester Report and The Sunday Carroll Eagle – in the Sunday Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. Get Westminster Eagle RSS Feed