April 3, 2009
The view from underneath the April 3, 2009 7 PM Maryland Midland Train in Westminster Maryland.
By Kevin Dayhoff http://www.kevindayhoff.com/
No animals were hurt in the making of this video. The only thing in danger was an expensive camera. Don’t tell my wife…
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at: kevindayhoff AT gmail.com
His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle - www.thetentacle.com; Westminster Eagle and The Carroll Eagle – in the Sunday Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. www.explorecarroll.com
“When I stop working the rest of the day is posthumous. I'm only really alive when I'm writing.” Tennessee Williams
Accept differences, Be kind, Count your blessings, Dream, Express thanks, Forgive, Give freely, Harm no one, Imagine more, Jettison anger, Keep confidences, Love truly, Master something, Nurture hope, Open your mind, Pack lightly, Quell rumors, Reciprocate, Seek wisdom, Touch hearts, Understand, Value truth, Win graciously, Xeriscape, Yearn for peace, Zealously support a worthy cause. (Author; Renee Stewart)
20090403 YT The view from underneath the Westminster Train
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com (http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/)