Packing Smart and Traveling Light
By Rick Steves Retrieved Jan. 20, 2018
but, for your own good, I’ll try. You’ll never meet a traveler who, after five
trips, brags: “Every year I pack heavier.” The measure of a good traveler is
how light he or she travels. You can’t travel heavy, happy, and cheap. Pick
One Bag, That’s It
My self-imposed limit is 20 pounds in a 9" × 21" ×
14" carry-on-size bag (it’ll fit in your airplane’s overhead bin, at least
on your transatlantic flight — though many European airlines restrict hand
luggage to even smaller weights and dimensions). At my company, we’ve taken
tens of thousands of people of all ages and styles on tours through Europe. We
allow only one carry-on bag. For many, this is a radical concept: 9" ×
21" × 14"? That’s my cosmetics kit! But they manage, and they’re glad
they did. After you enjoy that sweet mobility and freedom, you’ll never go any
other way.
14" carry-on-size bag (it’ll fit in your airplane’s overhead bin, at least
on your transatlantic flight — though many European airlines restrict hand
luggage to even smaller weights and dimensions). At my company, we’ve taken
tens of thousands of people of all ages and styles on tours through Europe. We
allow only one carry-on bag. For many, this is a radical concept: 9" ×
21" × 14"? That’s my cosmetics kit! But they manage, and they’re glad
they did. After you enjoy that sweet mobility and freedom, you’ll never go any
other way.
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