12 OCTOBER 2011 | 10:23 AM
Toni Guagenti - HamptonRoads.com: Don’t-miss life lessons cover ‘Terri’s’ territory
Don’t-miss life lessons cover ‘Terri’s’ territory

Blu-ray widescreen and DVD widescreen, 2011, R for sexual content, language and some drug and alcohol use – all involving teens
Best extra: “A Look Inside ‘Terri,’” a 10-minute high-def behind-scenes short with co-writer/director Azazel Jacobs and others, including actor Jacob Wysocki (Terri) and cinematographer Tobias Datum
CONFUSED. AWKWARD. UNCOMFORTABLE – just a few words to describe adolescence regardless of who you are, what color you are or how much money your parents or guardian might have. In director Azazel Jacobs’ world of “Terri,” viewers can relive some of those embarrassing high school moments and empathize with the movie’s teen characters. Maybe there are new life lessons to discover, too.
There might be some adults willing to admit that, just because you get older, you don’t always have all the answers to what life throws your way. These folks might relate to John C. Reilly’s character, a high school principal who reaches out to loners to help them cope with the day-to-day challenge of growing up. By “Terri’s” end, he helps himself as well...
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