John P. Murtha - A Complex and Complicated Life
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The Tentacle www.thetentacle.com: John P. Murtha - A Complex and Complicated Life by Kevin Dayhoff http://tinyurl.com/ygn5cp7
Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/12cu3s or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/381452661/john-p-murtha-a-complex-and-complicated-life
The Tentacle www.thetentacle.com: John P. Murtha - A Complex and Complicated Life by Kevin Dayhoff http://tinyurl.com/ygn5cp7
John P. Murtha, the Democrat congressman from Pennsylvania, died at Virginia Hospital Center Monday at the age of 77 after complications from gall-bladder surgery.
For some, Congressman Murtha burst upon the scene to become a household name and patriot, who spoke ‘truth to power’ against the Iraq war during the administration of President George W. Bush.
For others, Congressman Murtha was a complicated and complex, hypocritical, knee-jerk opportunistic lefty whose ‘principled’ objections to the war on terrorism quickly became irresponsible in tenor and tone.
Exacerbating the criticisms of Congressman Murtha was the perception that he mysteriously lost his voice of opposition to the war efforts once President Barack Obama was sworn into office.
Funny how that happens.
Even The Washington Post, not overwhelmingly known for going out of its way to say anything particularly unkind about Democrats, identified him in its lede as the “master of pork-barrel politics … considered one of the most influential on Capitol Hill,” and “a Vietnam veteran who staunchly supported military spending…”
Mr. Murtha held the seat in Congress from the 12th Congressional District in southwestern Pennsylvania for 19 terms. He first won the seat in a special election in 1974 after Republican Congressman John P. Saylor died in office.
Even a cursory review of his life and accomplishments reveals that Mr. Murtha was a gentleman for whom there is much to be admired and respected.
Certainly not to be overlooked is the fact that Mr. Murtha continued his service to our country by being the first Vietnam veteran to take a seat in Congress.
The road to Vietnam and Congress actually began as far back as the early 1950s.
Read the entire article here: http://tinyurl.com/ygn5cp7
20100210 TT Murtha A Complex and Complicated Life ttked Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, Military Marines, Military Vietnam, People Murtha John, People Tributes, US Congress, US st PA
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2010/02/john-p-murtha-complex-and-complicated.html http://tinyurl.com/yd2s5tb
www.thetentacle.com John Murtha-A Complex and Complicated Life - Kevin Dayhoff http://tinyurl.com/yd2s5tb http://twitpic.com/12cu3s http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/381452661/john-p-murtha-a-complex-and-complicated-life
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Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://www.kevindayhoff.com/ (http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/) http://www.kevindayhoffart.com/ New Bedford Herald: http://kbetrue.livejournal.com/
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