Friday, May 12th, 2006
Today was the Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair weigh-in day at the Carroll County Agriculture Center in Westminster, Maryland.
Caroline and I always like to attend the weigh-in to see the animals and especially to spend some time with the 4-Her’ers.
This year we also had to go in to feed the 4-H Therapeutic Riding Program of Carroll County horses. Feeding the horses was relatively uneventful, but they were a bit wary of the all the commotion, especially with all the loud commentary coming from the sheep, pigs and goats.
This year the 109th Fair will take place July 29 through August 4, 2006 at the Carroll County Agriculture Center, 706 Agriculture Center Drive, in Westminster, Maryland. The Web-site for the Fair is www.carrollcountyfair.com. You can also get Fair information by calling (410) 848-FAIR [(410) 848-3247.]
Last year 80,000 visitors enjoyed the Fair, but the work of the Fair goes on year round. At the goat, sheep and pig weigh-in, the 4-H’ers’ animals are registered, identified and weighed, in anticipation of participating in the upcoming Fair.
There are over 400 volunteers in the Carroll County 4-H Youth Development program working with over 1,000 young adults and future community leaders enrolled in 4-H in Carroll County. Carroll’s 4-H program is the most successful in the state.
Last year, there were over 11,000 entries, from almost 800 youth exhibitors at the Fair; which makes the Fair a much-anticipated event attracting folks from all over the mid-Atlantic region.
The Carroll County Fair is free and the star attractions are the 4-Hers themselves. Many volunteers come together each year to make the Fair a success. The Fair is supported by a raffle, food and concession sales and the annual cake auction. In 2005, the cake auction raised almost $64,000.
The weigh-in is the beginning of a summer full of work for the 4-H’ers’, as they learn life skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
See ya this summer at the Fair.
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at: kdayhoff@carr.org
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