Westminster, City College set to renew old football ties
11/30/2005 By Kevin E. Dayhoff
This Friday at 7 p.m., City College of Baltimore and
The only other time these two teams played each other on the gridiron was 54 years ago, in September 1951.
Two prominent local physicians remember that '51 game well - from opposite sides of the field.
Dr. John Steers Sr.,
Dr. Dean Griffin, WHS class of 1952, was the team manager for the Westminster Owls.
In September 1951, the
Fortunately, the lights for the field (later named Ruby Field) had been installed the year before or the game may never have happened.
According to Steers, as the bus driver was bringing the
It may have been just as well if City had gotten lost, as the Owls came up short in the contest, 20-6, in a game marred by too many fumbles, according to an account by The Sun.
(The 1952 Owl Yearbook notes that the Owls lost 22-6. Whatever ...
In 1951, head coach Herb Ruby, backfield coach Fern Hitchcock and line coach Nate Weinstock mentored the Westminster Owls, according to
For City, Andy DiFassio was head coach. Steers still keeps in touch with Difassio after all these years, and will have dinner with him this week. Steers is considering inviting him up for this Friday's game, but may re-consider "due to [DiFassio's] age," he said.
Many will remember that Weinstock also owned "Weinstock's Dress Shop" on
A member of the Owls 1951 football team, Charlie Havens Jr., was also later inducted into the Hall of Fame. (So was his dad, Charlie Havens Sr., a
Early in the first quarter Steers, playing end for the Knights, gathered up a fumble on the
In the September 1951 Sun account, staff writer Edwin H. Brandt wrote: "City scored again after two minutes of the second quarter had gone by when Gene [sic Ð Carl] Fisher,
In the third and final score of the game, "Quarterback Jerry Sisson then went around end on the initial play of the last period for the touchdown."
In this year's rematch,
In 1950, Quarterback Jack Bowersox was named "All-Maryland" and halfback Bob Settle and tackle Calvin Dutterer were named "All-County."
The 1951 Owl yearbook notes that the success of the team "was the culmination of a great deal of work on the part of civic-minded citizens of WestminsterÉ"
Today, many "civic-minded" citizens who know their football expect Westminster to go on to win the state championship after they settle a 54-year old score with City College.
Dr. Steers said he is looking forward to the game this Friday, and asked that The Westminster Eagle spread the word for 1951 team members to get in touch with him, so that they may meet at the VFW at 4:40 p.m. for dinner and attend the game together.
It's a shame they'll all witness
Go Owls.
E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT carr.org or kevindayhoff AT gmail.com
His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle - www.thetentacle.com; Westminster Eagle Opinion; www.thewestminstereagle.com and Winchester Report.
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