Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems

Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:

Thursday, October 09, 2003

4-H Therapeutic Riding Program of Carroll County

4-H Therapeutic Riding Program of Carroll County

January 21st, 2001 - 20031008 KED Mucking Out Stalls.JPG

The 4-H Therapeutic Riding Program is always seeking volunteers, ages 14 and up, to help with lessons at the 4-H arena at the Agriculture Center in Westminster. Horse experience is a plus, but is not required. for more information go here or call 410-876-1760.

4-H Therapeutic Riding provides a program of therapeutic horseback riding to children and adults with disabilities.

For over 20 years, this all-volunteer organization has served more than 1,500 individuals with a wide range of disabilities.

Therapeutic riding uses horses to make positive contributions to the physical, cognitive, emotional and social well being of individuals with disabilities.

The program serves as a training center for Special Olympic athletes competing locally and at the Special Olympic World Games.

Following standards of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, adaptations are made to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in various riding activities.

The program emphasizes cognitive, behavioral, psychological and physical goals for each participant.

My wife, Caroline, serves as a volunteer NARHA certified instructor, Board member and Treasurer. She also serves on the Carroll County Agriculture Center Board representing 4-H Therapeutic Riding and as the Ag Center Treasurer.

I volunteer also – mostly in a grounds maintenance – property management capacity, but I been known to do whatever I’m asked.

I designed the original landscape design for the property and, along with Caroline and many other volunteers, helped install the plants and build run-in sheds.

I grew up participating in 4-H.

In the past, I have taught many classes for the Cooperative Extension Service, served on numerous committees including: the Carroll Co. Agriculture Program Advisory Committee of the University of MD Cooperative Extension Service; the Cooperative Extension Service Maintenance Conference Planning Committee. I also served on a special Carroll & Frederick County agricultural community advisory taskforce for Dr. Raymond J. Miller, University of Maryland Vice Chancellor for Agricultural Affairs in the 1980s.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster:

Monday, September 29, 2003

20030928 Longwell Family Center during Fallfest

Longwell Family Center during Fallfest

Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland

City of Westminster Old Armory Building - Longwell Family Center. Pictured here during Westminster Fallfest September 28, 2003 by Kevin Dayhoff


Westminster City Recreation and Parks

Daily Photoblog

Sunday, June 29, 2003

20030629 Berlin Mayor Dr. John William Pitts and Corbit’s Charge

20030629 Berlin Mayor Dr. John William Pitts and Corbit’s Charge

Dr. John William Pitts[1]

By Kevin Dayhoff © June 29th, 2003

The first Mayor of Berlin, Dr. John William Pitts, had a small role in Corbit’s Charge in Westminster Maryland on June 29th, 1863.

In 1863, young Private John William Pitts, from Worcester County, was serving in Company K 1st Va. Cavalry (almost all the men in Company K were from southern Maryland). Private Pitts had been attending the University of Virginia as a medical Student and enlisted in the Confederate Army.

The morning after the conflict, June 30th, 1863, Co. A of the 3rd Pa. Calvary came sweeping into town thinking that there was a continued substantial Confederate force still in town, when in reality there were only stragglers left behind. The morning began with the Union Forces firing a few artillery rounds across the town to lay the ground work for a clean-up operation. Private Pitts was one of 25 Confederates captured around 7:30 AM and imprisoned at Fort Delaware, just outside of Wilmington, Delaware and subsequently released. (He somehow later returned to duty.)

After the war, Dr. Pitts became prominent in Maryland in the medical field and later distinguished himself by becoming the first Mayor of Berlin, when Berlin formed in 1896. He also remained in the service, becoming a captain in the Maryland National Guard, and was vice president of the C. B. Taylor Banking Company. He served eight years on the Democratic Central Committee and reportedly voted the Democratic ticket all his life.[2]

[1] G. Thomas LeGore, phone interview, 29 April 2003

[2] “Men of Mark in Maryland”, Volume IV, B. F. Johnson, Inc. 1912, page 91.

20030629 Berlin Mayor Dr. John William Pitts and Corbit’s Charge

Saturday, May 03, 2003

I am a Republican because:

I am a Republican because:

I believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

I believe government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

I believe the proper role of government is to provide only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

20050503 I am a Republican because
Kevin Dayhoff Westgov.Net: Westminster Maryland Online