“Mel-Chun Jau, Dallas Morning News, Associated Press: Kevin Deamus, 26, and his brother, Markus Deamus, 19, of Dallas, check on the radiator of their car in the parking lot of a grocery store near
Dallas official wants city ban on baggy pants
September 9th, 2006
I went out to a nice restaurant in
To our left was a large table full of young men. They seemed well-dressed, with the exception of a few baseball caps on backwards… To our left there was a table of four young co-eds. The guys were awfully absorbed with themselves. But at one moment I noticed that the table of co-eds had spotted the table full of guys.
Then, almost as if on cue, one of the young men got up and he had on these baggy pants that were positioned in such a manner as half his behind was hanging out. Sooooouie! See my previous post on the wisdom of baggy pants… here: “20060706 Baggy pants and crime prevention.”
I noticed that the young ladies were amusedly not impressed.
Oh well.
So what’s-up with slovenly dress? It obviously did not impress the ladies.
I remembered seeing on one of the cable news programs, a piece that said a gentleman in
Well, lots of luck on that paradoxical pilgrimage chasing that windmill. You can’t outlaw bad taste and besides, criminalizing boneheaded attire is not quite what I would want a municipal police force spending time and limited resources.
But there you have it. The young man at the restaurant needed to get a “fashion ticket” for looking like a jerk, but I’m not sure it is a good idea for taxpayer money to go into calling to the young man’s attention that he looked stupid and that folks were making fun of how poorly he was dressed.
I can see it now. Prisoner number 1: “Whatcha in for dude? I’m doing 5 to 10 for murdering a convenience store clerk. But, like, I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it”
Prisoner number 2: “I’m doing life with no parole for having my behind hang out in public.”
Prisoner number 1: “Wow man, bad break.”
“Dallas official wants city ban on baggy pants” By JAMIE STENGLE, Associated Press
DALLAS — A Dallas man has had it with baggy pants that overexpose, so he wants the City Council to look into a ban on wearing the oversized trousers that often slip so low as to show underwear.
Ron Price, a Dallas school board member, has asked the City Council to look at strengthening the law to give citations to those who expose their underwear.
“I think it’s disrespectful, it’s dishonorable and it’s disgusting,” said Price, who made the recommendation last week to the City Council. “I have no problem with the top of your Hanes label being shown. My problem is when grown men walk about the city with pants below their buttocks.”
Council members have asked the city attorney to look into the issue. City Attorney Tom Perkins said this week he’s investigating the legalities and will report back to the council.
But experts say that such a law might not hold up, so to speak.
Read the rest of the article here.
Government shouldn't act as parents for their citizens.
E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT carr.org
Winchester Report