Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems

Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:

Showing posts with label Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2009

Westminster was all abuzz for the great fly roundup of 1914

The trouble with flies
Westminster was all abuzz for the great fly roundup of 1914

The Carroll Eagle Archives column for Sunday, June 28, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

On Tuesday, June 16, President Barack Obama was interrupted by a pesky, deranged, and suicidal housefly during an interview with CNBC’s John Harwood.

The ensuing drama was captured on video in a life and death struggle befitting a History Channel segment pertaining to World War II. Moreover, it has since unfolded hundreds of thousands of times on YouTube.

One published account referred to the president as the “Obamazilla.” A Politico writer regaled that the “president has been getting lots of kudos for a lightning-fast, Mr. Miyagi-worthy swipe he employed to slay a pesky house fly that was buzzing him… ‘He stopped the interview to track and kill the fly,’ said talk show host Conan O’Brien.”

Politico wrote a play-by-play description of the president’s performance: “‘Get out of here,’ Obama said as the fly buzzed him during his interview. The pest persisted, and when it landed on his left forearm, Obama smacked it.

“‘Now, where were we?’ the president said without missing a beat. Pleased with himself, he added, ‘That was pretty impressive, wasn't it? I got the sucker.’

“Several observers in the room gave congratulatory shout-outs. Obama pointed to the floor and instructed an obliging cameraman to get a close-up of the corpse.”

“‘It’s like he’s got one of those fly Terminator targeting systems in his eyes,’ said an awed Jon Stewart.”

One published account reported: “He's a Harvard educated lawyer, leader of the free world and has the reflexes of a highly trained ninja. America's enemies, beware.”

Another noted: “Obama dispels claims that he is "soft," showing no mercy to a fly. World be warned!”

Many were impressed. That is, with the exception of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – PETA.

PETA was less than amused. Politico reports that PETA called it an “execution,” and wants the commander-in-chief to show a little more compassion to even “the least sympathetic animals.”

Well, if PETA was alarmed over the president killing one fly, one can only wonder what that august organization would have thought of the 1914 “Swat the Fly” campaign in Westminster.

According to “Carroll County Maryland, A History 1837-1976,” by Nancy Warner, it all began with Westminster’s “first Civic League, organized in January 1913 with Mrs. Charles E. Stewart, president; Mrs. Frank Z. Miller, secretary; and Mrs. George K. Mather, treasurer.

“Some of the concrete accomplishments of the league included the placement of ‘No Spitting’ signs and public garbage cans on the streets, landscaping of school grounds, planting of flowers and trees, and swatting the fly.

“The Swat the Fly campaign sought to improve sanitation. Children were given ten cents for every hundred flies killed.

“The report for 1914 contained the figures of $159 paid and 1,500 movie tickets distributed in return for thirty-five twenty-pound candy buckets of flies. Grocers and butchers were encouraged to provide screens for their doors and windows and protective display cases for their meats.”

It all reminds me that it was Groucho Marx, who once said, “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.”

When he is not swatting flies, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at kevindayhoff AT or visit him at
20090628 sdosm KED SCE The trouble with flies


For other recent columns in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff:

Bringing Corbit's Charge, and Douglass, back to Westminster
Published July 5, 2009 by Carroll Eagle

DAYHOFF: Margaret Mitchell wrote what she knew; the rest is gone with the wind
Published July 2, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... And that is all I know for right now. Hope you and your family have a great Fourth of July weekend. Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. …visit him at

Westminster was all abuzz for the great fly roundup of 1914
Published June 28, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... reminds me that it was Groucho Marx who once said, "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." When he is not swatting flies, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at … or visit him at

DAYHOFF: Hoffa Field and the Sheathing of the Sword
Published June 23, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... . Lightner and the June 1922 American Sentinel newspaper article have left us with an extensive and fascinating account of the “The Sheathing of the Sword.” … visit him at

'Year without summer' killed crops ... and created a monster
Published June 21, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... village folk that it's not a bad idea to keep a torch handy on these cool summer nights. When he is not playing with laboratory-harnessed lightning, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at … or visit him at ...

Historic Blue Ridge College bell dedicated In Union Bridge
Published June 20, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
UNION BRIDGE — Several hundred folks braved threatening weather June 20 to witness the unveiling and dedication of the historic 1900 Blue Ridge College bell in Lehigh Square, the original site of the college which had thrived in Union Bridge from 1898 to ... ...

When city got 'sole' in the 1920s, it was cause for a celebration
Published June 14, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... be the guest speaker. There will be a retirement ceremony for worn flags. Guests may bring old flags for retirement. When he is not waving the flag, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at… or visit him at

Remember when you could walk to work in Westminster?
Published June 7, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... . When he's not on a "walk-about" in Westminster, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached …

Company H: from the Frizellburg greenhouses to the sands of Omaha Beach
Published June 3, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
… (have) come a long way from the old parade field in Frizellburg.” Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster.

Dayhoff: New councilmember tackles alleged hit and run driver
Published June 1, 2009 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
... Westminster city police arrived and took control of the situation The accident is under investigation. All in a day’s work. Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster.

20090705 sdosm Recent columns in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Recent columns and articles by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent columns and articles by Kevin Dayhoff

Westminster was all abuzz for the great fly roundup of 1914
Published June 28, 2009 by Carroll Eagle

On Tuesday, June 16, President Barack Obama was interrupted by a pesky, deranged and suicidal housefly during an interview with CNBC's John Harwood.

The drama was captured on video, with a life and death struggle befitting a History Channel segment pertaining to World War II.

It has since unfolded hundreds of thousands of times on YouTube.

One published account referred to the president as "Obamazilla." A writer for the Washington newspaper, Politico, regaled that the "president has been getting lots of kudos for a lightning-fast, Mr. Miyagi-worthy swipe he employed to slay a pesky house fly that was buzzing him ..."

Politico wrote a play-by-play description of the president's performance: " 'Get out of here,' Obama said as the fly buzzed him during his interview. The pest persisted, and when it landed on his left forearm, Obama smacked it. 'Now, where were we?' the president said without missing a beat. Pleased with himself, he added, 'That was pretty impressive, wasn't it? I got the sucker.' "

Many were impressed. That is, with the exception of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Politico reported that PETA called it an "execution," and wants the commander-in-chief to show a little more compassion to even "the least sympathetic animals."

It made me think that if PETA was alarmed over the president killing a fly, one can only wonder what that organization would have thought of the 1914 "Swat the Fly" campaign in Westminster.


... reminds me that it was Groucho Marx who once said, "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." When he is not swatting flies, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at … or visit him at

DAYHOFF: Hoffa Field and the Sheathing of the Sword
Published June 23, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle

On Saturday, June 10, 1922, the formal dedication of the Hoffa athletic field took place on the campus of Western Maryland College — now McDaniel College.

Of course, many know the field as where the Baltimore Ravens hold their summer practices.

Others know the field for the great tradition of tailgating at McDaniel football games. The running track, which circles the field, is always a favorite spot for health conscious walkers and runners.

Today McDaniel College is accepted as presiding prominently in the center, more or less, of Westminster. However, this was not the case until around the 1970s when housing developments began to grow to the west of the campus.

In 1922, the campus was on the outer western edge of Westminster on the brink of a frontier of forest and farmland that stretched for ten miles until one arrived in Taneytown.

According to a definitive history of the college, “Fearless and Bold,” published just recently by Dr. James E. Lightner; the Geiman property, a 65-acre farm contiguously situated to the west of the campus became available to the college, in 1920, upon the death of W. H. Geiman.


... . Lightner and the June 1922 American Sentinel newspaper article have left us with an extensive and fascinating account of the “The Sheathing of the Sword.” Kevin Dayhoff may reached at … or visit him at

'Year without summer' killed crops ... and created a monster
Published June 21, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle

It's halfway through June, and for those of us who love Maryland's melting heat and humidity, many are wondering — where is summer?

For me, though, thoughts turn to the birth of Frankenstein.

First things first. In 1816, there really was a "year without summer." Carol Lee, in her book, "Legacy of the Land," explains that the year without summer caused quite a bit of hardship in Carroll County. "Farmers in Maryland and elsewhere would remember 1816 as ... 'eighteen hundred and starve-to-death.' " According to Lee, there were freezing temperatures well into June.

What caused the year without summer? According to a July 2002 article in Smithsonian magazine, "Blast from the Past," by Robert Evans, the agricultural and economic catastrophe of 1816 was a volcanic winter, caused by the eruptions of Mount Tambora on the island of Sumbawa, in what we now know as Indonesia, April 5-15, 1815.


... village folk that it's not a bad idea to keep a torch handy on these cool summer nights. When he is not playing with laboratory-harnessed lightning, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at … or visit him at ...

Historic Blue Ridge College bell dedicated In Union Bridge
Published June 20, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
UNION BRIDGE — Several hundred folks braved threatening weather June 20 to witness the unveiling and dedication of the historic 1900 Blue Ridge College bell in Lehigh Square, the original site of the college which had thrived in Union Bridge from 1898 to ... ...

When city got 'sole' in the 1920s, it was cause for a celebration
Published June 14, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... be the guest speaker. There will be a retirement ceremony for worn flags. Guests may bring old flags for retirement. When he is not waving the flag, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at … or visit him at

Remember when you could walk to work in Westminster?
Published June 7, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... . Think you know? If so, drop me a line at … and be sure to put Carroll Eagle in the subject line. Thank you. When he's not on a "walk-about" in Westminster,

Company H: from the Frizellburg greenhouses to the sands of Omaha Beach
Published June 3, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... (have) come a long way from the old parade field in Frizellburg.” Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster.

Dayhoff: New councilmember tackles alleged hit and run driver
Published June 1, 2009 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
... Westminster city police arrived and took control of the situation The accident is under investigation. All in a day’s work. Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster

In 1925, planting the seeds of employment, production
Published May 31, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
When he's not roaming the streets of historic Westminster looking for old factories,

Celebration of memory and change
Published May 26, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
This year’s Westminster Memorial Day ceremonies witnessed many changes over the past — although the solemn tradition of 142 years continued.On Memorial Day the normal hustle and bustle of downtown Westminster paused to remember fallen veterans, and ... ...

20090622 sdosm Recent columns and articles by Kevin Dayhoff

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Barack TV by Howard Kurtz

Barack TV by Howard Kurtz

Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, April 17, 2009 8:01 AM

POTUS has become part of my morning routine. I have a lot of things to get done at an early hour--read the newspapers, surf the Net, file this column--but when I get to the office and flip on the cable channels, by 10:30 or 11, there he is.

Read Mr. Kurtz’s entire – lengthy column here: Barack TV by Howard Kurtz

20090417 Barack TV by Howard Kurtz

Kevin Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff Art: (

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff

April 8, 2009
Thanks, but no thanks
Kevin E. Dayhoff
An opinion piece appeared in The Wall Street Journal last Sunday, relatively unnoticed except by economics geeks, citing the growing trend among banks that accepted Troubled Asset Relief Program –TARP – money who are begging the government to take the money back.

April 1, 2009
And Atlas Wept
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In a move that has given many pause, last Sunday the administration of President Barack Obama ventured boldly into the latest worrisome intrusion into the nation’s private sector by firing Rick Wagoner, General Motors’ chief executive officer.

March 25, 2009
Spellbound by Salvador Dali
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last month I enjoyed a bit of respite from Maryland’s winter by visiting Florida. Finding myself within reasonable driving distance of St. Petersburg, I jumped at the chance to visit the Salvador Dali Museum.

March 18, 2009
Think Globally, Bank Locally
Kevin E. Dayhoff
If you are banking with any of the ginormous intergalactic financial institutions that are at the center of the current financial crisis, then you are part of the problem.

March 11, 2009
The Dangerous Diplomacy of Pandering
Kevin E. Dayhoff
I recently had the delightful opportunity to go to Washington and have lunch with a member of the Estonian Parliament, Tõnis Kõiv.

March 4, 2009
The Great Man Theory of History
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Even before his election to the office of the president last November, many in the liberal chattering class were already using hype and hyperbole that then-Senator Barack Obama was destined to be one of our country’s greatest presidents.

February 25, 2009
Pulling The Plug
Kevin E. Dayhoff
One of the key talking points of the new Obama Administration is its commitment to lead our nation by maximizing technology. Yet within a few scant weeks, the new kids in the Oval Office have endured their fair share of glitches, error boxes and system crashes.

February 18, 2009
Repackaged Isn’t Change
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the end, the economic stimulus legislation signed yesterday by President Barack Obama, only garnered a total of three Republican votes from all of Congress, and, while traveling the yellow brick road on the way to Oz, the legislation lost the vast majority of public support.

February 11, 2009
Political Heresy and Unvarnished Truth
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Yesterday, in 1899, the future 31st president of the United States, Herbert Clark Hoover, married Lou Henry in Monterey, CA. Happy anniversary, Mr. President.

February 4, 2009
When Stimulus Ain’t
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed its $819 billion version of the economic stimulus package by a vote of 244 to 188. Not a single Republican voted for the measure – for good reason.

January 28, 2009
The 2009 Intergenerational Theft Act
Kevin E. Dayhoff
As you read this column Congress is attempting to put the finishing touches on an $825 billion economic stimulus package – otherwise known as the 2009 Intergenerational Theft Act.

January 21, 2009
A Tale of Two Inaugurations
Kevin E. Dayhoff
By the time you read this column our nation will have witnessed the inauguration of our nation's 44th president. Today is the first day for President Barack Obama and it marks the merciful end of the 78-day transition period.

January 14, 2009
Barack Rhymes With Tupac
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Noticeable, yet relatively underreported in the scandal-filled rhetoric that passes for meaningful political commentary these days, is the passing of an historic era that will occur when President George W. Bush takes off in the presidential helicopter after President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office next week.

January 7, 2009
Pallywood – When Pictures Lie
Kevin E. Dayhoff
After Hamas, the terrorist organization that has controlled the Gaza Strip since June 2007, unilaterally broke a cease-fire on December 19 and resumed shelling southern Israel, Israeli warplanes sprang to Israel’s defense December 27 by attacking Hamas throughout Gaza. Hamas responded immediately with “Pallywood.”

20090408 recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Art: (

Saturday, April 11, 2009

WaPo: The First Puppy makes a big splash

News Alert

11:00 p.m. ET Saturday, April 11, 2009

The First Puppy Makes a Big Splash

The biggest mystery of the Obama White House's first 100 days has been revealed: The first puppy -- the one that the Washington press corps has been yelping about for months -- is a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog given to Malia and Sasha as a gift by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. The little guy's name? Bo.

For more information, visit

20090411 SDOSM WaPo The First Puppy makes a big splash
Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack, Animals dogs,
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Art: (

Thursday, April 02, 2009

No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank

No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank Tuesday, March 31, 2009; A02

The White House was aiming high with yesterday's announcement that President Obama was pretty much becoming CEO of the American automotive industry.

Minutes before the president's arrival in the Grand Foyer of the White House, a technician in the back of the room tested the teleprompter for Obama's speech. "Fourscore and seven years ago," announced one of the screens in big letters, "our fathers brought on this continent a new nation . . ." In the actual event, Obama opted for a more modest text -- less Lincoln at Gettysburg than Krystal Koons cutting an ad for the family car dealerships.

"If you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired, just like always," the president promised yesterday morning from the executive mansion.

And that's not all, folks! "Your warranty will be safe," the salesman in chief went on. "In fact, it will be safer than it's ever been, because starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warranty."

Incentives? Obama's got 'em. "If you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct the cost of any sales and excise taxes," the president offered. And nobody beats Obama on trade-ins; he wants a "generous credit to consumers who turn in old, less-fuel-efficient cars."

Perhaps the president can interest you in a Chevy Malibu? "In 2008, the North American Car of the Year was a GM," he pitched. And the Buick Lucerne is a real cream puff. "This year, Buick tied for first place as the most reliable car in the world," he declared from behind the presidential seal.

If you buy now, he may even throw in the floor mats.

Playing car salesman is an unusual role for a president of the United States -- …

Read more: No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank Tuesday, March 31, 2009; A02
20090331 No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Art: (

Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama Photo Mystery Solved! by James Danziger

Obama Photo Mystery Solved! by James Danziger January 19, 2009

After months of searching, I identified the photographer behind the picture that became the campaign’s most enduring image. Even he didn’t know he had taken it.

I believe that last week I solved the biggest photographic mystery of the 2008 election: I found the photographer who took the photo that was the source for Shepard Fairey’s iconic Obama HOPE prints.

My search began last fall, when I recognized that Fairey’s prints were becoming the definitive visual of the campaign, and I began asking everyone from Amanda Fairey, the artist’s wife, to Holly Hughes, the editor of Photo District News, if they knew who took the original photo. No one could seem to pin it down. Shepard Fairey was on record as saying it came from a Google Image search, but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) track it back to the source.


I immediately contacted picture editor Mark Rykoff, who was extremely helpful in trying to find the correct attribution. After investigating, he called me back and told me I was correct—the credit was indeed wrong. He fixed it, and pointed me toward who he now believed was the correct source, a Reuters photographer named Jim Young.

A call to Reuters left their Washington desk reeling, but they put me in touch with their Media Pictures person in New York, a woman named Nancy Glowinski, who was cool, calm and collected. She did some checking, and confirmed that Jim Young had indeed snapped the photo in question.

As soon as changed the photo credit and word got out, Young’s name swirled through the blogosphere. Tom Gralish, a photographer for the Philadelphia Inquirer who had also spent months trying to track down the photographer behind the HOPE poster, was the first to
blog about it. Reuters was initially—and understandably—put out that they hadn’t been credited as the original source of what turned out to be the presidential campaign’s most enduring visual image, but no laws had been broken.

Like it or not, Fairey's use of the picture is well within the parameters of what’s considered "fair use."


James Danziger was the Director of Photography at the London Sunday Times Magazine, Features Editor of Vanity Fair, and Director of Magnum New York. He runs the gallery Danziger Projects in New York and blogs at
The Year in Pictures.

Read the entire article here: URL:

It is quite a fascinating saga. And be sure to read the comments. Many of them are relatively intelligent – for a change… At least they were the other day when I first found this article…

20090119 Obama Photo Mystery Solved by James Danziger
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Art

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A connection of Biblical proportions and a few presidential pet projects

A connection of Biblical proportions and a few presidential pet projects

EAGLE ARCHIVE By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 1/09/09

I'm excited about the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama. It is quite a testimony to our great country to have overcome the yoke of history to see an African-American take a turn in the Oval Office.

I'm particularly curious about the Bible that Mr. Obama has decided to use for his swearing-in ceremony.

According to the New York Times politics blog, The Caucus, Obama "will be sworn into office with the same Bible that Abraham Lincoln used for his first inauguration in 1861."

The "move further extends the parallels that Mr. Obama has drawn with Lincoln since he announced his candidacy for president in February 2007 in Springfield, Ill."

I've been curious ever since I first became aware of Obama's preoccupation with President Abraham Lincoln. Of course, who would not want history to reflect upon one's term of office as well as that of President Lincoln?

However, students of presidential history are aware that of all presidents, Lincoln may have had some of the most difficult years in the White House.

His entire tenure was marked with incredible national challenge and personal tragedy. While Lincoln was in office, he may have had one of the worst approval ratings in history.

In David Elton Trueblood's masterful 1973 portrait of Lincoln, "Abraham Lincoln: Theologian of American Anguish," the low esteem in which he was judged was driven home immediately in chapter one:

"In an editorial The Baltimore Sun said, 'Had we any respect for Mr. Lincoln, official or personal, as a man, or as President-elect of the United States, his career and speeches on his way to the seat of government would have cruelly impaired it.'"

Carl Sandburg's encyclopedic history of President Lincoln calls to our attention that right before Lincoln's renomination for election for his second term, the New York Herald said he was "a joke incarnated, his election a very sorry joke, and the idea that such a man as he should be the President of such a country as this a very ridiculous joke."

Ay caramba. This is but a brief glimpse of the scorn heaped upon President Lincoln while he was in office.

Nevertheless, when history had time to reflect upon Lincoln's accomplishments, it was determined that he was one of our greatest presidents.

Go figure.

I hope that history shines as kindly on President Obama as it has on President Lincoln. I pray for his success.

Read the entire column here: A connection of Biblical proportions and a few presidential pet projects

20090109 SCE A connection of Biblical proportions presidential pets sceked

Kevin Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff Art

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Washington Post: Panetta Chosen As CIA Director

Washington Post: Panetta Chosen As CIA Director

Well duh! I'm not sure "stunned" is nearly strong enough a word.

The intelligence community is beside itself...

However, Mr. Panetta is pretty sharp people.

On the flip side, he was chief of staff when President Clinton dropped the ball repeatedly on national security matters...

Not to worry, if President-elect Obama sticks by him he will be confirmed - it just won't be real pretty

Panetta Chosen As CIA Director

Some Question Intelligence Experience

By Anne E. Kornblut and Joby Warrick Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, January 6, 2009; A01

Barack Obama stunned the national intelligence community by selecting Clinton White House chief of staff Leon E. Panetta, a longtime Washington insider with little intelligence experience, to serve as the next head of the CIA.

The decision -- which was also met with wariness on
Capitol Hill -- reflects a desire to change the intelligence power structure, officials close to the selection said yesterday. Obama has chosen retired Navy Adm. Dennis C. Blair as the director of national intelligence, a job he intends to reinforce as the "lead horse" on intelligence issues, an official close to the selection process said.

Panetta, 70, is widely regarded as a good manager who knows the government bureaucracy well. Panetta, a former eight-term member of Congress who has run a think tank in California for the past decade, has no significant ties to the agency that Obama has criticized for using harsh interrogation methods. Panetta has openly objected to the use of such methods, writing in an essay last year that the United States "must not use torture under any circumstances." Obama had trouble filling the
CIA slot in part because other candidates were perceived as tainted for having supported aspects of the Bush administration's interrogation and intelligence programs.


That would be the “Bush administration's interrogation and intelligence programs” that kept us safe…

Read the rest of the article here: Panetta Chosen As CIA Director

20090106 WaPo Panetta Chosen As CIA Director

Kevin Dayhoff E-mail him at:
kdayhoff AT carr DOT org His columns appear in The Tentacle,; The Westminster Eagle /Eldersburg Eagle The Sunday Carroll Eagle - Opinion:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hill Transition: Senate Rejects Burris in Spectacle at Capitol By Paul Kane

Hill Transition: Senate Rejects Burris in Spectacle at Capitol By Paul Kane

Jan 6, 2009

"... Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson instructed Burris in a closed-door meeting that he would not be seated."

Although Ms. Erickson is on solid technical and legal ground - this is a shame. Mr. Burris is well-liked, respected, capable and competent. Another example of politics is stranger than fiction. We're now entering "The Twilight Zone"...


Senate officials this morning rejected Roland Burris's effort to be seated as the successor to President-elect Barack Obama, telling the former Illinois attorney general that he lacked the requisite approval of state officials to be sworn in with the rest of the class of 2008 in today's launch of the 111th Congress.

With a stand-off remaining among Illinois officials over Gov. Rod Blagojevich's effort to appoint Burris to Obama's seat, Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson instructed Burris in a closed-door meeting that he would not be seated.

Read the entire post here: Hill Transition: Senate Rejects Burris in Spectacle at Capitol By Paul Kane

Jan 6, 2009 Category: Hill Transition Share This: Technorati Tag in Digg This Previous: Obama's Cabinet: Careful or Careless?

20090106 Senate Rejects Burris in Spectacle at Capitol By Paul Kane

Thursday, December 04, 2008

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
When cupcakes grow on trees
Kevin E. Dayhoff
It was serendipitous Monday evening, the day that President-elect Barack Obama unveiled his national security team, that I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Melvin A. Goodman, a former CIA analyst, discuss his latest book, The Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA, during the ninth annual Resnick Lecture at McDaniel College.

Moving East for a Spell
Tom McLaughlin
“Warm and tropical with pouring rains after 3 P.M.” describes Borneo in this northeast monsoon season. The city of Kuching combines old and new, with the modern Hilton overshadowing Chinese shop houses built in 1900's.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
"Let Slip the (Political) Dogs of War"
Roy Meachum
"Cry havoc" forms the first part of that "Julius Caesar" quote and that might make a bitter title for the electoral cycle that starts right after the looming holidays. Shopping malls aside, I do not count Thanksgiving as the leading edge of Christmas.

Change! It’s Everywhere! It’s Everywhere!
Farrell Keough
As a new year is dawning, many issues and perspectives are drawing near in our political arena. We have a “change” coming on our national front – but we must remember that our state representatives will be meeting in the near future and may be offering us “change” as well.

Monday, December 1, 2008
Anatomy of a Correction
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
On November 20, I gave a lunchtime speech to the Frederick County Builder's Association. After more than a dozen years in public service, these public speaking opportunities have become something I look forward to.

Never Cool
Steven R. Berryman
As usual, family gatherings over the Thanksgiving weekend allowed for more personal interactions. I have three wonderful teenagers and have confirmed that the scrutiny and evaluation that befall parents at this critical juncture are surely unimaginable to anyone not experiencing it first hand.

Friday, November 28, 2008
County Democratic Party's Castration--Part II
Roy Meachum
A vacuum resulted from the political retirement of the most powerful Good Ol' Boys. Rushing in to fill the space was a female cabal led by Del. Sue Hecht. When did I first discover that reality?

Redeem Your Deposit Here
Joe Charlebois
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and Vermont have a five-cent deposit. Michigan has a ten cent-deposit. The Frederick County Board of Commissioners wants to impose a 5-cent deposit to be added to each purchase of a non-reusable beverage container.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day 2008
Joe Charlebois
As we come upon the ending of one presidential administration and begin another, let’s reflect on what our first president, George Washington, wrote some 219 years ago in proclaiming our country's first national day of public thanksgiving. This proclamation came just a few months after his first inaugural address.

Thanksgiving – and Remembrances….
Edward Lulie III
I used to appreciate Thanksgiving, or so I thought, as a time for food, family and friends, watching football, eating turkey and just relaxing. For over 35 years that was how my wife Beth and I always spent the holiday together. Since her death in January, my sons and I have been adjusting to life without her. It has been very difficult for all of us.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
“The Eight Years War”
Kevin E. Dayhoff
At high noon on Monday, amid cries of alarm that this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, President-elect Barack Obama rolled out his all-star economic team and a call for an economic stimulus package that could cost as much as $1 trillion.

What to get the elderly for Christmas
Tom McLaughlin
Black Friday arrives the day after tomorrow and throngs of shoppers will line up for those “deals’ in a panic frenzy. Credit, debit and anything else that still has value will be maxed out during this holiday season because of the economy. Often left in the riot are your parents.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
County Democratic Party's Castration – Part 1
Roy Meachum
This year marked a quarter century that I resided in Frederick. Someone who arrived later cannot possibly imagine the changes made. Most from the visionary and long-time city Mayor Ron Young. He created Carroll Creek development and modernized downtown streets from the horse and buggy days.

20081203 This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
When cupcakes grow on trees
Kevin E. Dayhoff
It was serendipitous Monday evening, the day that President-elect Barack Obama unveiled his national security team, that I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Melvin A. Goodman, a former CIA analyst, discuss his latest book, The Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA, during the ninth annual Resnick Lecture at McDaniel College.

Moving East for a Spell
Tom McLaughlin
“Warm and tropical with pouring rains after 3 P.M.” describes Borneo in this northeast monsoon season. The city of Kuching combines old and new, with the modern Hilton overshadowing Chinese shop houses built in 1900's.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
"Let Slip the (Political) Dogs of War"
Roy Meachum
"Cry havoc" forms the first part of that "Julius Caesar" quote and that might make a bitter title for the electoral cycle that starts right after the looming holidays. Shopping malls aside, I do not count Thanksgiving as the leading edge of Christmas.

Change! It’s Everywhere! It’s Everywhere!
Farrell Keough
As a new year is dawning, many issues and perspectives are drawing near in our political arena. We have a “change” coming on our national front – but we must remember that our state representatives will be meeting in the near future and may be offering us “change” as well.

Monday, December 1, 2008
Anatomy of a Correction
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
On November 20, I gave a lunchtime speech to the Frederick County Builder's Association. After more than a dozen years in public service, these public speaking opportunities have become something I look forward to.

Never Cool
Steven R. Berryman
As usual, family gatherings over the Thanksgiving weekend allowed for more personal interactions. I have three wonderful teenagers and have confirmed that the scrutiny and evaluation that befall parents at this critical juncture are surely unimaginable to anyone not experiencing it first hand.

Friday, November 28, 2008
County Democratic Party's Castration--Part II
Roy Meachum
A vacuum resulted from the political retirement of the most powerful Good Ol' Boys. Rushing in to fill the space was a female cabal led by Del. Sue Hecht. When did I first discover that reality?

Redeem Your Deposit Here
Joe Charlebois
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and Vermont have a five-cent deposit. Michigan has a ten cent-deposit. The Frederick County Board of Commissioners wants to impose a 5-cent deposit to be added to each purchase of a non-reusable beverage container.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day 2008
Joe Charlebois
As we come upon the ending of one presidential administration and begin another, let’s reflect on what our first president, George Washington, wrote some 219 years ago in proclaiming our country's first national day of public thanksgiving. This proclamation came just a few months after his first inaugural address.

Thanksgiving – and Remembrances….
Edward Lulie III
I used to appreciate Thanksgiving, or so I thought, as a time for food, family and friends, watching football, eating turkey and just relaxing. For over 35 years that was how my wife Beth and I always spent the holiday together. Since her death in January, my sons and I have been adjusting to life without her. It has been very difficult for all of us.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
“The Eight Years War”
Kevin E. Dayhoff
At high noon on Monday, amid cries of alarm that this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, President-elect Barack Obama rolled out his all-star economic team and a call for an economic stimulus package that could cost as much as $1 trillion.

What to get the elderly for Christmas
Tom McLaughlin
Black Friday arrives the day after tomorrow and throngs of shoppers will line up for those “deals’ in a panic frenzy. Credit, debit and anything else that still has value will be maxed out during this holiday season because of the economy. Often left in the riot are your parents.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
County Democratic Party's Castration – Part 1
Roy Meachum
This year marked a quarter century that I resided in Frederick. Someone who arrived later cannot possibly imagine the changes made. Most from the visionary and long-time city Mayor Ron Young. He created Carroll Creek development and modernized downtown streets from the horse and buggy days.

20081203 This week in The Tentacle

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Running on empty – What a difference an election makes

Running on empty – What a difference an election makes

November 23, 2008 by Kevin Dayhoff

By the end of last week the prospect of an auto bailout was running on four flat tires.

However, with the backdrop of the economy continuing to remain at the forefront of the media spotlight, the “Detroit Three,” General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, continue their tours de force beg-a-thon performance in the media with a great deal of support coming from the Democrat Party.

What a difference an election makes. If you will remember, during the election campaign, the Democrats railed about the increase in the national debt, increased spending, and failed economic policies.

And of course, earlier in the 2008 presidential campaign, when the price of oil and gasoline spiked, it was President George W. Bush’s fault. After the price of gas fell precipitously, the Democrats and their media sycophants fell strangely silent.

Moreover, on Election Day, when the Wall Street rallied, the media credited the prospects of the election of presidential candidate Illinois Sen. Barack Obama with the reasons for the uptick in the stock market.

The day after the election the stock market had the largest percentage drop in history on the day after an election. The media was silent – as in crickets chirping…

Many credited the election victory of Senator Obama on the chaos in the economy. Of course, the great paradox is that the very same foxes, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., House Financial Services Committee chair Barney Frank, D-Mass., and Senate Banking Committee chair Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., who caused the chaos in the financial henhouse have now been rewarded and are now in charge of protecting and fixing it. (See It’s the Congress, Stupid!, Congress and the Rattlesnake – Part 1, Congress and The Rattlesnake – Part 2, Congress and The Rattlesnake – Part 3.)

Now these very same folks want to work their magic on the automobile industry in the United States – with taxpayer money, of course. They want to further raise the national debt by bailing out the Detroit Three – which is the focus of my “The Tentacle” column this week: Rewarding Bad Behavior

As an aside, speaking of changing his tune, you will notice that President-elect Obama has been eerily silent about Iraq, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, and other aspects of his war on the Bush Administration’s national security polices now that he has been given a number of national security briefings.

Nevertheless, there remains a nagging concern that international terrorists are still plotting to kill Americans and we are still fighting two interminable ground wars overseas. The Iranians and North Koreans are still playing with their nuclear erector sets. Somali pirates are seizing ships in one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes outside of the Gulf of Aden.

And in spite of the predicted outbreak of the Age of Aquarius as a result of the recent election, we find ourselves in economic chaos which continues to escape appropriate hyperbole and reactionary rhetoric.

Congress and our critical financial conglomerates have behaved so badly that their behavior raised the specter that the United States and the world would revisit the joys and riches of the Medieval Ages if something was not done.

Yet last week, the financial bailout had the look and feel of a circular firing squad as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson stood before the nation, and said something to the affect: “You know, about that initial bailout strategy… Well nevermind, the facts have changed and we now have a new and improved pyramid scheme to sell you.”

His performance had all the reassuring aspects of a snake oil salesman from the 1890s as he sketched-out a new approach to encourage consumer confidence, borrowing, and get American families back in the mood for opening their pocketbooks.

No word as to how many Google searches occurred for “economic feudalism” last week as Americans started to feel like feudal serfs being sacrificed as a result of the lack of leadership of the overlords.

If this were not enough of a witches brew, many Americans – and the stock market – continue to feel morning sickness in a pregnant pause of anxiety over president-elect Obama’s election rhetoric to revisit free trade agreements, raise taxes, and unleash a new social-welfare system upon the nation that would make President Franklin D. Roosevelt green with envy.

Intellectual, morally and economically, a glance at Washington these days indicates that it not only the Detroit Three that is in trouble these days, the American taxpayer is more at risk than ever as a result of Congress running on empty.


20081119 Running on empty (752 words)

Monday, November 10, 2008

First Bush-Obama Meeting: Hard Feelings and Hand Sanitizer

As President Bush and President-elect Barack Obama prepare for their post-election meeting at the White House on Monday, memories of their first encounter linger.

Bill Sammon Sunday, November 09, 2008

President Bush and President-elect Barack Obama are probably hoping their meeting Monday goes better than their first get-together, which left a bad taste in the mouths of both men.

Four years ago, Obama and other newly elected members of the Senate were invited to the White House for a breakfast meeting with Bush, who pulled the young Chicagoan aside.

"Obama!" Bush exclaimed, according to Obama's account of the meeting in his second memoir, "The Audacity of Hope." "Come here and meet Laura. Laura, you remember Obama. We saw him on TV during election night. Beautiful family. And that wife of yours -- that's one impressive lady."

The two men shook hands and then, according to Obama, Bush turned to an aide, "who squirted a big dollop of hand sanitizer in the president's hand."

Bush then offered some to Obama, who recalled: "Not wanting to seem unhygienic, I took a squirt."

The president then led Obama off to one side of the room, where Bush said: "I hope you don't mind me giving you a piece of advice."

"Not at all, Mr. President," Obama told the commander-in-chief.

"You've got a bright future," Bush said presciently. "Very bright. But I've been in this town awhile and, let me tell you, it can be tough. When you get a lot of attention like you've been getting, people start gunnin' for ya. And it won't necessarily just be coming from my side, you understand. From yours, too. Everybody'll be waiting for you to slip, know what I mean? So watch yourself."


I thought I was actually showing some kindness," Bush said indignantly. "And out of that he came with this belief?"

The president added with a bit of a scowl: "He doesn't know me very well."
(Ed: My emphasis)


Remove all heavy and sharp objects from the room and read the entire article… First Bush-Obama Meeting: Hard Feelings and Hand Sanitizer. It should remind you of the Ann Coulter admonishment – sometimes, you can never be nice to a liberal. Wow, did I ever learn that lesson the hard way…

Bill Sammon is Washington Deputy Managing Editor for FOX News.

20081109 First Bush Obama Meeting Hard Feelings and Hand Sanitizer

Friday, October 24, 2008

My three part series on the current economic mess in The Tentacle

My three part series on the current economic mess in The Tentacle

Folks have been asking where they can find my three-part series on the current economic mess in The Tentacle from October 1, 2 and 3, 2008.

They may be found here:

October 3, 2008
Congress and The Rattlesnake – Part 3
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On May 13, 2008, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama compared the current housing crisis in the U.S. to the Great Depression in a campaign stop in Missouri.

October 2, 2008
Congress and The Rattlesnake – Part 2
Kevin E. Dayhoff
For several weeks the nation and the world have been watching the financial news emanating from Washington and Wall Street with that “deer in headlights” look as everyone holds their breath in disbelief and worries another shoe will drop.

October 1, 2008
Congress and the Rattlesnake – Part 1
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In response to the increasing wrath of the American voter, the U.S. House of Representatives came to its senses on Monday and voted 288 to 205 to kill the rash and ill-conceived proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street.

20081003 My three part series on the current economic mess in The Tentacle

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Joint Statement Of Senator John McCain And Senator Barack Obama

Joint Statement Of Senator John McCain And Senator Barack Obama

For Immediate Release

September 24, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, U.S. Senators John McCain and Barack Obama issued the following statement:

"The American people are facing a moment of economic crisis. No matter how this began, we all have a responsibility to work through it and restore confidence in our economy. The jobs, savings, and prosperity of the American people are at stake.

"Now is a time to come together -- Democrats and Republicans -- in a spirit of cooperation for the sake of the American people. The plan that has been submitted to Congress by the Bush Administration is flawed, but the effort to protect the American economy must not fail.

"This is a time to rise above politics for the good of the country. We cannot risk an economic catastrophe. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country."

20080924 Jt St Of Senators McCain Obama

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

20080623 Obama for change

Barack Obama for change

Because that is all you will have left when he’s done.

June 24, 2008 - - The base idea for this image was passed on to me in an email from “CJ.”

I guess it resonated with me as the presumptive Democrat nominee for president’s conversation so far about economics and taxation is a major concern for me as I ponder the merits of his candidacy of the Oval Office.

At my advanced age I can easily recognize political silliness when I see it and I refuse to be distracted.

Barack Obama appears to be an honorable man who wants to be president and I admire him for his accomplishments.

My heart and prayers go out to him and his family when I hear or read the vicious personal attacks over drivel that ultimately I really don’t give a rat’s backside over. It’s all so boring and an unnecessary distraction of high chair food fight proportions.

I don’t really care what Rev. Wright has said or when he said it. I don’t care about what Senator Obama’s wife said or when she said it.

I’m not fooled by the recent marketing makeover with his appearance on People magazine or Mrs. Obama’s chattiness on “The View.” I have no interest in voting “for the friendly guy next door” to be president.

I care about issues such as who is going to protect us from foreign aggressors. I care about national defense.

I care about the economy. I care about the class warfare being promoted, disguised as taxation policy.

I care about the deleterious affects of our nation’s lack of a coherent energy independence policy.

I care about who has the experience necessary to be president.

I care about who is going to appoint the next several Supreme Court justices.

If I were to have a choice between “a third term for the Bush Administration” or “Jimmy Carter’s second”; I’ll take “Bush’s third term” in a nanosecond.

Although I realize that Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain is certainly no George W. Bush and I have not, as yet mistaken Senator Obama for President Jimmy Carter…

Anyway - I played with the base idea for the image; re-arranged it and added to it and voila.

Please cut and paste this image and distribute it widely…

20080623 Obama for change