Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems

Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art One-half Banana Stems - Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403 Runner, writer, artist, fire & police chaplain Mindless ramblings of a runner, journalist & artist: Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, technology, music, culture, opera... National & International politics For community: For art, technology, writing, & travel:

Monday, July 30, 2012

I've enjoyed the chainsaw artist at the Carroll Co 4-H Fair.

The Buck Miller Memorial Arch at the Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair

The 4-Hers have worked so hard on their sheep projects at Carroll County Fair

All of the livestock at the Carroll County 4-H Fair are talking with one another

This evening is sheep judging at the Carroll County 4-H Fair

Enjoying all the activity at the Shipley Arena at the Carroll County 4-H Fair

Enjoying all the activity at the Shipley Arena at the Carroll County 4-H Fair

Eating at the Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kevin Dayhoff - Eagle Archive: Celebrating Carroll County at the 4-H and FFA Fair

Eagle Archive: Celebrating Carroll County at the 4-H and FFA Fair

Carroll County Agriculture Center has been a beehive of activity in preparation of the annual Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair, which officially opened on July 27.

Historically, the summer and end of harvest events have always played an important role in Carroll County because of the region's agricultural roots.

Prior to 1865, the business of farming was, for the most part, our subsistence existence. Farmers were essentially self-sufficient.

However, after the Civil War, farmers became increasingly "dependent on creditors, merchants and railroads for their livelihoods," according to James Stewart of Reed College, who has concentrated his studies on this period of agriculture and economics. "These relationships created opportunities for economic gain, but also obligations, hardships and risks that many farmers did not welcome."

In Carroll, this period evoked celebrations of the farming way of life. A "program of events" found in an 1871 publication of the oldAmerican Sentinel refers to a "Grand Exhibition of Farm machinery under the auspices of the Carroll County Agriculture Society on the Fair Grounds, Westminster, MD."

Actually, the first authoritative mention of an organized agricultural fair event in Carroll County occurs in 1869. Nancy Warner writes in her book, "Carroll County Maryland, A History," that on Jan. 11, 1869, the Carroll County Agricultural Society was organized "at a meeting at the Court House."

"Capital of $25,000 was raised through the sale of 500 shares of stock at $50.00 per share. Thirty acres of land was bought between the present Fair Street and Malcolm Drive," Warner wrote.

It is believed that the first agricultural fair in Carroll County may have taken place on July 4, 1869, on East Main Street in Westminster — though the current Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair celebrates its roots going back to a picnic held Aug. 14, 1897, at the Otterdale Schoolhouse, in Taneytown.

The fair moved to Westminster in 1954. The Carroll County Agriculture Center was established as a private organization on March 20, 1954, by a group of visionary leaders who purchased the land at the end of an old dirt lane off Gist Road, way outside of town — or at least it was back then — with their own money.

This year's fair runs through Saturday, Aug. 4, with racing pigs, the annual Combine Demolition Derby, Wild West Night, Car Demolition Derby, Lawn Mower Racing, Tractor Pull and more. Many are looking forward to seeing country music singer and songwriter Kip Moore on Aug. 4, at 8 p.m.

For a calendar of events and more information, go to
See you at the fair.

When he is not eating his way from one end of the fair to the other, Kevin Dayhoff …

 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Friday, July 27, 2012

Paula Waterman Opening Reception at Off Track Art Friday, July 27, 2012 5:30 - 7:30 PM

 Opening Reception at Off Track Art
Friday, July 27, 2012
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Paula Waterman

Meet the Artist, and view her exceptional wildlife portraits!

Paula Waterman can’t remember a time she wasn’t making art. For the past decade she has been doing just that as a full time artist working in scratchboard, oil painting, and most recently in bronze sculpture. Her subject matter is mostly the animals she sees in the wild and in the company of people. She has a particular interest in birds, and of dog subjects, though landscape and marine subjects are also important to her.

A common thread in all her work in all media probably is the critical importance of light source and light color; in fact she feels that light is the true subject in all her work.

Please join us!

See our art at "OFF TRACK ART"
an Artist Cooperative at 11 Liberty St--side entrance
in downtown Westminster, MD
Open: Wed-Fri. Noon to 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM.  or

[20120727 PaulaWatermanEvite2]
Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

FWD:Lunch at the fair. Caroline

Lunch at the fair.

FWD:Ready for tonight... Caroline

Ready for tonight...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The new display Off Track Art at 11 Liberty Street historic downtown Westminster

The train visited Off Track Art

Finally got aound to fixing our sign...

Kip Moore - Mary Was The Marrying Kind

 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Kip Moore - Somethin' 'Bout A Truck 
Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Art forever changed by World War I - Veterans - Stripes

Art forever changed by World War I - Veterans - Stripes


Monday, July 23, 2012

Progress photo report on #McDaniel College stadium grandstand #Westminster MD

Progress on the McDaniel College stadium scoreboard steps

Dinner with Mr Moose - a crust of bread and a fat carrot

1931 Maryland State Firemen’s Association Convention

By Kevin Dayhoff July 15, 2012 Westminster Patch

A lengthy July 17, 1931 newspaper article describes the Westminster Municipal Band and the Westminster Fire Department arriving home from participating in the Maryland State Firemen’s Association annual convention earlier that July “in a jubilant mood, as the band brought home $100 for the best band in line of parade…”

The history page from the Frostburg Maryland Fire Department reports that it was one of nine member fire companies that organized the first Maryland State Firemen's Association convention in Frederick in June 1893. 

In 1899 the convention was held in Westminster. A June 8, 1899 Baltimore Sun article, “Have A Hot Time In Westminster And Make Brave Show MANY DROP OUT OF RANKS Twenty-Six Companies And Forty Organizations In The Line Of The Great Parade” observed:

“…From 10,000 to 12,000 people were in Westminster for the opening of the seventh annual convention of the Maryland State Firemen's Association. From midnight until noon today trainloads of people arrived. By everyone it is conceded to have been the greatest day in the history of Westminster...” …

The 1931 newspaper article described the trip to Ocean City in the days long before the Chesapeake Bay Bridge was built. “The firemen and band left Wednesday morning at 6:35 and arrived at Ocean City at 12:15 p.m. in a Blue Ridge line bus. They traveled by Green Spring Valley to Towson to Havre de Grace, Elkton, Dover to Ocean City, about 190 miles…

“Thursday passed off in sight-seeing with a pajama parade by the Westminster Band at 11 o'clock at night which was followed by several hundred people cheering as they passed down the board walk…” The band also gave concerts on the boardwalk and at the Del-Mar-Va Hotel and Hastings Hotel. 

One of the biggest attractions at the end of the convention is the grand parade which is described in great detail by the 1931 newspaper account, “On Friday morning at 11 o'clock the firemen's parade was the feature.

The parade was led by Gov. Ritchie, Comptroller William S. Gordy, and Mayor William W. McCabe. Twelve hundred firemen, representing 83 Maryland and Delaware fire units, paraded.” The parade extended over 2 miles long that year. 

According to the newspaper article, “Members of Westminster Fire Department taking part in the convention were Frank T. Shaeffer, Michael E. Walsh, Edw. O. Diffendal, Francis N. Keefer, J. Floyd Diffendal, Frank B. Dillard, James Pearre Wantz, Jr., Ralph Royer, Edward B. Orendorff, Wilbur Weller, J. H. Ryland and Claude Buckingham.”

“The $100 purse was a princely sum in 1931,” says local historian Jay Graybeal. “In this early year of the Depression, a pound of coffee cost 20 cents; a pound of peanut butter, 21 cents; and two cans of tomatoes were 15 cents.”
 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Crab mallets...

Food crabs, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Food, Dayhoff photos Food, 

Art Deco Buildings: Crescent Hotel, Miami

Art Deco Buildings: Crescent Hotel, Miami: The Crescent Hotel on in Miami South Beach. Another masterpiece by Henry Hohauser built in 1938. And like all the hotels along Ocean Drive ...

“Off Track Art” is an artists’ co-op and gallery located in the historic Liberty Building at 11 Liberty Street – next to the railroad tracks, off of the Sentinel parking lot at the corner of West Main St and MD 27-Liberty St - in historic downtown Westminster, Carroll County Maryland. 

Open: Wed-Fri. Noon to 6 PM , Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM. 
 For news and information on Off Track Art previous to December 15, 2011, you can go to

 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Talkeetna Mayor is a Cat Named Stubbs

Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10