July 24, 2008
Full link to download sermons: http://www.taylorsvilleumc.org/Sermons/
July 6, 2008: “Divine Appointments” Isaiah 52: 6-9 ; Romans 10: 9-15
2008-07-06 divine appointments.mp3
July 13, 2008: “God of all Comfort” Psalm 40: 1-5; 1-2; 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7
2008-07-13 God of all comfort.mp3
July 20, 2008: “Blessed to be a Blessing” Genesis 12: 1-5; Romans 4: 13-16
2008-07-20 blessed to be a blessing.mp3
July 27, 2008: “Why am I a Methodist?” Matt 22: 34-40; Ephesians 2: 1-8
4356 Ridge Road
Mt Airy, MD 21771
Tel: 410-875-4101
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9:00 am—Noon
Other Office Hours by appointment
Schedule of Special Events
August 3rd– 6:00 pm Pizza and movie night for youth with Pastor Sarah. Come talk about next year’s plans.
August 24th Church Picnic—All are invited! Worship will be at 10:30 am at the Lions Club Ball Field. We will have worship outside, pot luck lunch, softball, games and more.
Worship—Every Sunday at 11:00 am
Sunday School at 9:45 am
Related: For other posts and information on Taylorsville United Methodist Church see:
religion taylorsville united or Religion Taylorsville United Methodist Church or Religion Taylorsville United Methodist Church
Taylorsville United Methodist Church videos on Kevin Dayhoff’s YouTube account
20080724 Taylorsville United Methodist Church sermons by Pastor Sarah Dorrance