Definition of 'journalist' scaled back in federal shield bill
Washington, D.C. · September 18, 2009 · Newsgathering
Keywords: National Security; Shield Law
An amendment to the bipartisan Senate bill that would create a federal shield law for journalists will likely exclude many bloggers and internet journalists, according to the text of the amendment introduced by Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York.
The amendment to the Free Flow of Information Act was quickly adopted when Sen. Schumer, a co-sponsor, introduced it yesterday at the end of a somewhat contentious Senate Judiciary Committee meeting.
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20090918 RCFP Def of journalist scaled back in fed shield bill
20070510d Sender
http://twitpic.com/ijvyh Def of journalist scaled back in fed shield bill http://tinyurl.com/lx5c9g
amend 2 bipart Sen bill that would create fed shield law likely excl many bloggers & internet journos
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/09/definition-of-journalist-scaled-back-in.html http://tinyurl.com/lx5c9g